“Ever changing clouds paint portraits on the sky, and each person sees a different image.” ―
- clouds, Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm XF16-80mm f4.0, John O'Donohue, landscape, natural areas, poems, Self-portraits, trees
A New Beginning
For a New Beginning
In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.It watched you play with the seduction of safety,
And, the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plentitude opening before you.Though your destination is not yet clear,
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life’s desire.Awaken your spirit to adventure;
John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm
For your soul senses the world that awaits you. -
Softening the Heart
“The old Lakota was wise. He knew that a man’s heart away from nature becomes hard.” Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Lakota
I’m aware of how much more time I’m spending in nature. Seems the morning and evenings are always calling me. I took this image last night. But, this morning I took my latte, camera and journal to Red Fox meadows. A red fox scampered across Taft Hill Rd just as I turned into the parking area. Then as I parked the car a red tailed hawk rose up from the grass in the meadow but I did not see anything in its talons. I began to journal and listen. After about 5 minutes the fox came out a wooded area and into the grassy meadow. They were too far away to take a photo so I watched with my binoculars. They just sat there soaking up the sun and seemingly with eyes closed decided to lay down. Even I was enjoying the sun’s warmth. There were blue jays off to my right in a grove of trees having a rather loud discussion about something. I’m pretty sure it was not politics. I then watched a doe slowly walk out of the wooded area but staying close to the trees. I next had a short conversation with an elderly couple on a morning walk, both with canes. They lived nearby and said they were hoping to see owls. He was 88 and she was 83. Then as I started to leave a mother with two boys pulled up. I told them about the fox, deer and hawk which seemed to set expectations for some adventure. As they moved on the youngest told me, “Thank you Mr. Kind Man.” I believe, as does Luther Standing Bear, that nature can soften the heart!
I missed them…
My sister and I returned yesterday afternoon from Seattle. We had a great time, always good to see and laugh with family. I saw nephews and nieces I haven’t seen in years. I missed them. As always we ate and we ate and we… However, we did get in some good long walks along the Burke-Gilman Trail that goes for almost 19 miles around Lake Washington. And, no, I only walked about 5 miles of it each day. We had a great time and will share more with you in a later post.
It was toasty when we arrived, reaching 98 degrees around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. I unpacked, ate a sandwich, bought groceries and had some quiet time. About 6:30 I drove out to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area to sit in the shade of the pine trees. There is a group of about 20 trees where I will sit in a folding camp chair near the parking lot. I will then write, read and get my much needed dose of nature. Think my meadowlarks missed me as much as I missed them. It was good to hear them sing.
Congratulations Abbie!!
I took this image last night as storms moved through to the north and the south of us bringing heavy rain, lightning and thunder both directions. Surprisingly we stayed dry. Man, I love the beauty of clouds even though there can be a lot of damage from their power. They never stay the same, always changing.
I have been surprised with all the birthday wishes from family and friends. This is my 70th year or just over 25,550 days counting leap years. Thanks to everyone!
This afternoon I will be heading to my oldest daughters house for a BBQ and celebrate my oldest granddaughters college graduation. She was not able to walk for her graduation from CSU due to the COVID-19 issue. She has worked hard for this, changed her major three times and did the six year plan. Congratulations Abbie!!!!! I love you. ❤️
Passing Storm
This image was taken last night as a nice rain storm was developing in the west. I could see the rain falling in the foothills so I drove out to the natural area. This allowed me to participate in the storm as it built up with wind, lightning, thunder and then the gentle rain. The image is a raw file using Adobe Landscape profile in Lightroom Classic.
I’m pleased with how solid the camera feels in my hands. The size and build are the draw even though there is a small weight increase. Also impressed with how snappy and quiet it can focus, which I would expect. The joystick is a joy!! I was pretty sure that it was going to be something I’d like.
I must admit I was overwhelmed when I first started reading the manual, even questioning my decision. There seemed so much to learn. I could not believe all the information provided in the viewfinder, to the point of almost forgetting to look at the subject when I first used it. But that has quickly died down by practicing with it. It will become second nature.
I’ve only shot with raw files so still need to look at the jpeg files. The raw files are Huge! I’ve gone from about 30 meg to 50 meg, an increase of 30%. Glad I upgraded to the 4TB drives a few months ago. I imagine I will be deleting more images because of their size.
I Relate
“I am still a consumer; the consumer world was the world I emerged into, whose air I breathed for a very long time, and its assumptions still dominate my psyche—but maybe a little less each year….There are times when I can feel the spell breaking in my mind….There are times when I can almost feel myself simply being.”
I must confess consumerism has been a struggle most of my life. I easily fall prey to the daily bombardment of marketing, always suggesting I purchase something I don’t need and can’t afford. There, also, has been a long history of buying today with tomorrow’s check. Mix these two together and we have trouble. For the past several years I buy only with money I already have and for things that are needed rather than wanted or enticed with. It’s taken a few years but I feel the spell is also breaking in my mind. So, I relate to his quote.
Happy Father’s Day!