• landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds

    An Artist of Our Days

    Clouds on my walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area.

    Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.

    John O’Donohue

    It’s taken a few years to see myself as any sort of an artist. That was primarily because I believed in that voice telling me I wasn’t. And yet, I always had those dreams of what could be. So, I can regretful, remorseful for listening to that negative voice or be the artist of my remaining days. I am doing what I can to be the creative I can be. And, I do that one day at a time, learning from each failure. I also believe everyone is an artist of their days! It is through your shares and your blogs that I know some of you are painting, gardening, flying drones, learning new forms of art, traveling and more. Happy Wednesday!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  nature,  quotes,  storm clouds

    Its self and its form are one…

    Ominous clouds and rain at the Trailhead

    The poet wants to drink from the well of origin; to write the poem that has not yet been written. In order to enter this level of originality, the poet must reach beyond the chorus of chattering voices that people the surface of a culture. Furthermore, the poet must reach deeper inward; go deeper than the private hoard of voices down to the root-voice. It is here that individuality has the taste of danger, vitality and vulnerability. Here the creative has the necessity of inevitability; this is the threshold where imagination engages raw, unformed experience. This is the sense you have when you read a true poem. You know it could not be other than it is. Its self and its form are one.

    John O’Donohue

    I felt a bit restless and leaning on the discontent side of things Sunday afternoon. I would say it’s what O’Donohue calls “the private hoard of voices” that sometimes hang out in my head. My solution was some journaling time, a walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area and connecting to the poem of nature (I like that phrase). After journaling I decided I better get a walk in before it rained as the wind had picked up and darker clouds slowly moved in. Good timing as It began sprinkling by the time I walked back to the car but it never did rain. I have been fascinated by some wonderful clouds this spring and Sunday was another day for them. I accepted the gift nature offered me and now offer it to you!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    The Spiritual Path

    A spiritual path at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    There are no shortcuts on the spiritual path, although many have tried to find one. Learning the lessons the spirit teaches takes time, patience, and perseverance. It requires a sense of discipline. It takes a level of self-awareness that can be difficult, because it requires that we are honest with ourselves. We have to look deeper. We have to study. We have to live a rule of life that never takes love for granted. It is not easy, but it is joyful. The sacred journey may take us up some very steep hills and demand we keep going on even when we are tired, but it shows us the wonder of life along the way and the purpose of life when the day is done.

    Steven Charleston, Ladder to the Light
  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Receiving Photographs

    Clouds over Claymore Lake

    The diffused light late in the afternoon seems to play magic with clouds. I’m drawn to their beauty. So I drove out to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area late yesterday afternoon to watch nature play with the clouds and listen to the quiet. The air was still. I stood motionless, watching it all take shape. The quiet descended. It was a time for contemplation and for allowing myself to be touched at some deep level – a time for receiving photographs. I headed home knowing there would soon be a mysterious transformation into the darkness of night. And, it would happen without me.

    We have a beautiful day with clear skies and sunshine. May see temperatures into the upper 40s.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets

    Feeling Gratitude

    Sunset at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    After watching this evening’s sunset I realized how much I have to be grateful for in my life. I’m even grateful I can say that as often as I do. Even though I am not wealthy, I have enough to live comfortably. Even though I am aging and have a couple of health issues we are addressing, I have a healthy lifestyle. I have amazing and growing relationships with family and friends and those who are both. I have a spiritual life that I embrace and nurture. I have a coffee life that has become part of my family. I have these beautiful Colorado sunsets and sunrises that touch some deep place within me. I am grateful for gloves. I am grateful for all who read this post. Gratitude fills me this evening. Going to share this evening’s sunset with you and hope you have a wonderful weekend! A second post today.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  snow,  winter scenes

    Snow Report

    “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”


    Well, I promised a snow report, so here it is. I cleaned about 5-7 inches of snow from my car this morning. My car dashboard said 22 degrees but we could see single digits tonight. After about 36 hours of snowfall nature is offering warm sunshine and blue skies. In this image from Reservoir Ridge Natural Area you are seeing the transition. I had coffee and conversation with Dan early this morning then made a drive to the foothills for photo opportunities as the sun and blue skies appeared before returning home. I lovingly accept the gift of this day. Enjoy your Sunday and may we all make a positive difference today.