• landscape,  quotes,  silence,  sunsets

    Filled with Silence

    We were born with silence, and as we grew up we lost the silence and we were filled with words. We lived in our hearts, and as time passed we moved into our heads. Now the reverse of this journey is enlightenment. It is the journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to silence; getting back to our innocence in spite of our intelligence.

    Eckhart Tolle

    My life is filled with silence. I have not listened to music for many years. And, when people share about their favorite music, musician or movie, I am unable to be a part of the conversation because my life no longer includes that. The music I most enjoy now is the silent sounds of nature. Therefore, I spend a lot of time in the local natural areas. Happy Sunday!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    Amazing Clouds

    I was awaken earlier this morning with rain tapping on my bedroom window. And, more moisture coming later in the day. The temperature is in the mid 40’s but it feels colder with the high humidity. My weather app calls for a Winter Storm Watch until 6:oo am Friday morning. Snowfall of 4-9 inches with winds up to 50 mph is expected. I call that nasty! As you can see clouds are building up over the mountains this morning creating some dramatic scenes. We sure need the moisture! I met Mark for breakfast then stopped at Rigden Reservoir for images of the amazing clouds.

    “We must say of the universe that it is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.”

    Thomas Berry
  • clouds,  gratitude,  lake,  landscape,  reflections,  sunsets,  writing/reading

    Four years ago today

    Sunset over Rigden Reservoir

    … I had my heart surgery, where they replaced my aortic valve. So, I thought I’d share my gratitude list with you today as it follows the theme of my last posting: 

    • Thankful for a healthy heart and it’s as full as it is 
    • Thankful for time with family and friends
    • Thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the things that have become such a gift in my life such as time with nature, photography, blogging, conversations with family and friends
    • Thankful for my prayer and meditation times
    • Thankful for my journals, fountain pens and the words I uncover with them
    • Thankful I can experience and enjoy each new sunrise and sunset
    • Thankful for another day to venture into a coffee shop to visit my favorite baristas
    • Thankful for the chance to read poetry, which I’d never done before
    • Thankful for the chance to try my hand at poetry, haiku
    • Thankful for the chance to create more of my photo books to share my photography and my words
    • Thankful for my home and the remodeling this past year
    • Thankful for blueberries in my Irish Oats 😂
    • Thankful for DQ Blizzards 😂
    • Thankful for my camera upgrade 2 years ago and a lust for the next upgrade 😂
    • Thankful that what I have is enough and in all honesty do not need anything more than what is already in my life
    • Thankful that there are still those who embrace love, compassion, serenity, joy, hope, peace and …. ❤️
  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  reflections,  sunsets

    Need for Beauty

    Sunset at Rigden Reservoir

    “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.”

    John Muir

    Drove to the Arapaho Bend Natural Area. Sun had just set. No wind. A subtle pink color in the clouds to the north. Walked to the edge of the reservoir and setup my tripod. Waited and watched. I was given the gift of this moment. Just what I needed. Beauty does that.