I believe poetry is very old.
Mary Oliver
It’s very sacred.
It wishes for a community.
It’s a community ritual, certainly.
And that’s why, when you write a poem,
you write it for anybody and everybody…
It’s a gift to yourself,
but it’s a gift to anybody who has a hunger for it.
Images that move us…
Who needs an expensive DSLR camera, three lens, eight camera bags, three filters, and a carbon tripod? 🙂 Why not pull the cell phone out of our pocket, take the photo, tweak it a bit in the iphone PS app, upload it to your blog and viola, the days post is done.
Yes, I’ve done that because I’m a photographer and when a scene presents itself we need to take the photo. This may work in a pinch but there is something about the process involved in working a scene that the above scenario falls short. I’m only talking for myself but I need the experience of looking through the viewfinder, envisioning, composing, waiting and then pressing the shutter. A photographer takes photos because they have to, just as writers write. We work through our process to create the images that move us.
Coffee in Hand
Some people start their day with a cup of coffee (or two.) Some need it just to get started, and some make it a morning ritual, and then some do both. I drink the unleaded stuff so a caffeine fix is not needed, leaving me with the ritual. I very seldom drink brewed coffee but prefer the latte/cappuccino style espresso drinks. This tradition had been a part of my life for several years after my youngest daughter introduced them to me. I enjoy making then at home or going out to a local coffee shop. These local shops have a small community of followers and I happen to be part of it. Most of them are accustomed to my antics of grabbing my camera so I can take a photo of their cup or their hands or muffin or their book or their …….