• landscape,  mountains,  nature,  quotes

    Learning to Listen

    Learning to pray is learning to listen. Within the heart we learn to wait with patience for God’s words, which may come even when we have not asked. Listening itself is a form of prayer, in which our whole being is receptive.

    Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

    I always thought that it would nice to live near a river and fall asleep each night listening to the song of the river. But that’s not the reality in my life. However, when given the opportunity I am learning to listen to the rivers and streams. If that’s prayer then so be it. This is an image of the Big Thompson River in Moraine Park in Rocky Mountain National Park taken back in May. Happy Monday!!

  • National Parks,  quotes,  Rocky Mountain National Park

    When will it end?

    The peace and calm of Sprague Lake

    “One thing I have felt confident about for a good portion of my life is that it is mainly on the surface that we are different. We are not nearly as separate as we sometimes feel ourselves to be. Underneath our supposed differences we experience many similar emotions, longings, hopes, and dreams. The cosmic dance goes on in each and every one. It is the externals of appearance in behavior that divert our attention from the inner radiance and dynamic goodness within every being.”

    Joyce Rupp

    I feel sadness, anger, even rage, due to the insanity of political powers who are steeped in their own fears, hatred and insecurities, while continuing to believe the lie that violence will bring peace. Insanity. Man has proved for thousands of years that violence does not bring peace, whether that’s a fist fight on the school playground or dropping bombs on innocent people. It only increases our suffering. Insanity. I believe Joyce Rupp is spot on when she writes, “Underneath our supposed differences we experience many similar emotions, longings, hopes, and dreams.” We are more alike than different.

    Our world seems quite insane at the moment. According to this report, in the past seven months an estimated 35,000 people have been killed in Gaza.  They are also estimating about 52% of those killed have been women and children. Insanity. And, that my friends, is a lot of emotions, longings, hopes, and dreams that will never be fulfilled. How can we possibly believe there will be peace when that kind of thinking only brings more resentment, hatred and violence? Insanity. Meanwhile over in Ukraine, the death toll of Russian soldiers is estimated higher than 50,000. And, Ukraine said in February that it had lost 31,000 soldiers. Insanity. According to the Geneva Academy more than 45 armed conflicts are currently taking place throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Africa has more than 35 armed conflicts taking place. Asia has 19 armed conflicts. Europe has seven armed conflicts at this time. And, six armed conflicts are taking place in Latin America. All of this is Insanity at its highest level. When will it end? And, this insanity is alive and well within our country.

    Well, what if we shower them (and all of creation) with kindness, hope and love instead of hatred, fear and bombs. And, what if we embraced a spirit of forgiveness. What if we embrace our innate courage to look at “the inner radiance and dynamic goodness within every being”, including ourselves, rather than outward appearances. What if we enter into an open dialogue with a focus on understanding one another? Are we willing to believe there can be change or are we to continue living with this insanity? I’m willing to believe we can make that change!

  • animals,  National Parks,  Rocky Mountain National Park

    Butt Shots

    Seems that about 50% of my elk photos I’ve taken are butt shots. They are usually more interested in grazing than posing. However, I do understand.

    Elk eat green grasses and forbs during the growing season. They need these to achieve a nutritional level that allows them to grow and develop well. When elk and other ungulates eat shrubs, they typically select the tips of branches which comprise the current year’s growth and offer the most nutrients. It is estimated that Elk eat an average of 3 pounds of food per day for every 100 pounds of body weight; therefore, a bull elk weighing 800 pounds would eat about 24 pounds of forage each day. As you can tell in this image they are interested in the new spring grasses. So, here is my butt shot for this spring!

  • landscape,  National Parks,  Rocky Mountain National Park

    Sprague Lake

    “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.”

    Laura Ingalls Wilder

    My friends Duane and Jan are working in an RV park in Estes Park so I made a day trip up there yesterday. We grabbed a bite to eat then headed into Rocky Mountain National Park. It has been a while since I ventured into the park for photos. The day was wonderful and fulfilling as we got to see moose, elk, deer and the beauty of nature. We took a nice walk around Sprague Lake where this image was taken. Sprague Lake is a very shallow lake built up by Abner Sprague to support the lodge he operated here from 1920-1940. Most of the lake is no more than a few feet deep and at times you may see elk or moose out in the middle of it. It has a 3/4 mile walking trail around the lake with many photo opportunities.

  • clouds,  fall season,  landscape,  leaves,  Rocky Mountain National Park,  seasons,  trees

    A Day for Clouds

    Horseshoe Park in Rocky Mountain National Park

    Well, Kathy, Tom and I ventured into Rocky Mountain Park yesterday. It turned out to be a perfect day. The clouds were the subject even though we were looking for the colors of our Colorado Aspens. We did not know it was a day for free entrance into the park so needless to say people were everywhere. I was a little disappointed because we didn’t get to use our senior passes. 🙁

    Shadows casting across what I think is Mount Chapin on Trail Ridge Road

    We ended up driving farther than we expected and made it almost to the Alpine Visitors Center. We decided to turn around before getting caught in the congestion in the parking lot at the center. It was tough enough finding parking in all the turnouts. Yesterday we had rain and wind so that seemed to make for the clear blue skies we enjoyed.

    Aspen colors near Hidden Valley in Rocky Mountain National Park

    The park was crowded. They even had the road to Bear Lake closed because of the traffic. Estes Park was also a mess because of the Elk Festival in town. We took the bypass around town, another smart move. Today we are planning a drive up Poudre Canyon. We have light fog this morning but that should burn off and give us a sunny day.

  • landscape,  mountains,  National Parks,  Rocky Mountain National Park

    Motivation: or lack of desire

    I sure have not had much desire or motivation to be on the internet. Therefore I have not taken many images (although its always with me), I have not posted much on this site,I have not kept up with my favorite blogs (yes yours), I haven’t been out to my nature areas much. I have, however, been working on my cardiac rehab, putting in time on the treadmill, bicycle and rower three days a week, and walking, and spending money at my favorite coffee shops. My walking has been shortened due to the cold weather. We had sub-zero temperatures a couple mornings in a row. Looking forward to Spring and Summer.

    Each February 1st my friend, Kay and I make a day trip to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park in memory of her husband, Wayne. This year marked six years ago he died. Wayne was a good friend of mine as we found we connected with similar spiritual paths and read the same authors. We always finish off the day trip with a late lunch at one of Wayne’s favorite restaurants, Sweet Basilicas.

    The above image was taken at a turnout in Horseshoe Meadows just inside the north entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. Hope all is well with you and I will do my best to get back up to speed at whatever rate my body and mind need.