• Mary Oliver,  poems,  poetry,  quotes,  writing/reading

    It’s a gift…

    I believe poetry is very old.
    It’s very sacred.
    It wishes for a community.
    It’s a community ritual, certainly.

    And that’s why, when you write a poem,
    you write it for anybody and everybody…
    It’s a gift to yourself,
    but it’s a gift to anybody who has a hunger for it.

    Mary Oliver
  • haiku,  horizons,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    The Morning’s Clouds

    nature’s gift
    painted on a canvas sky
    the morning’s clouds


    I found a place to settle along the ridge, just below the road and above Dixon Reservoir. I lowered my tripod to be just at eye level and sat there among the bluestem grass, rabbitbrush and sage brush. My low perspective was much like that of the cottontails or coyotes. I was surrounded by silence and the spicy, bitter yet inspiring fragrance of the sage. And, Oh, those clouds! I took in slow deep breaths and soaked in the gift of being alive. Within me a prayer stirs and a desire that all the world would experience and partake of these moments nature offers. I could have sat there all day but…the day calls.

    I took this image about 8 minutes earlier. This is the predawn sky and the first one is sunrise. Meet Mark for breakfast at 9:00 am then have the staples removed from my head. Rain predicted for later this afternoon. Have a super Awesome day!

  • leaves,  nature,  Plants,  quotes

    The Sacredness of Nature

    The world is not a problem to be solved; it is a living being to which we belong. The world is part of our own self and we are a part of its suffering wholeness. Until we go to the root of our image of separateness, there can be no healing. And the deepest part of our separateness from creation lies in our forgetfulness of its sacred nature, which is also our own sacred nature.

    Joanna Macy

    Nature has many ways of calling to us as we move through life. It is not always audible such as a robin’s song. It can be a visual call as well. This branch of cottonwood leaves that were blown down during Thursday’s winds stopped me in my tracks. It was a visual calling. As we spend more time in nature, as we can gain the awareness that nature is sacred, as we realize we are not separate from nature, we come to know we are an essential part of nature. So, I pray we do not forget the sacredness of nature or of our own sacred nature!

  • John O'Donohue,  Plants,  quotes

    A Sacred Gift

    May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

    John O’Donohue

    Colorado Climate Center at Colorado State University says we’ve received 4.06 inches of rain in the past 14 days and more rain expected tomorrow. Therefore mushrooms are everywhere. And, here’s my proof.

    We have had a beautiful day with blue skies and sunshine. As I sit on my porch and type this I watch and listen as the wind dance with the trees. Robins, blue jays and goldfinches sing. The fragrance of the locust and linden trees fills the air. I will post this and then drive to Riverbend Ponds for some bird photography or at least a nice walk. Grateful as this day has been a sacred gift.

  • poems,  poetry,  writing/reading

    A Contemplative Life

    To live a contemplative life means to consciously put aside the thousand demands of the world and offer ourselves the gift of being in the present moment, alert to the signs of the sacred that are breaking through everywhere, always…

    Mirabai Starr
  • Avian,  quotes

    The Experience of This Moment

    Red-winged blackbird and Yellow-headed blackbird

    I want the experience of being alive in this moment, and I want to know I am having it. The breeze on my skin. Air moving in and out of my lungs. Light in the trees. The songs of birds. A human touch, skin to skin. I want these things because I know now, after more than a half century of living, that in these simple, ordinary moment-to-moments, the Sacred comes out to play. It is in the air, the light, and the song that heaven makes a home. To have the experience of this moment, and to know I’m having it, is to be alive with the One who made the moment.

    Margaret D. McGee

    At this time in my life I find I enjoy the multitude of moments life offers, and even look for them. Where in my youth I overlooked them, never knowing that I was missing out on some of the best parts of this life. I sat at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area yesterday afternoon/evening where I was able to experience the breeze on my skin and applaud the song birds. And, as she states, I want to be alive, knowing I’m also in the presence of the One who made the moment. Don’t wanna miss them!