• Art,  quotes,  Sculpture


    Resting On A Rough Sawn Bench by Robert McDermott

    Before we can be poets, we must practice: imitation is a very good way of investigating the real thing.

    Mary Oliver

    I don’t know about you but this lifesize sculpture at the Benson Sculpture Garden looks like the real thing. Please checkout the link about the gardens. There are presently 178 sculptures in this garden. I could spend hours there. My assumption is these artists has been practicing for quite some time.

  • Art,  quotes

    True Growth

    Loveland Sculpture Park – 2012

    “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”

    Michael A. Singer

    Over the years I’ve become aware of the idea that I am not the voice of my mind. However, this awareness is only the beginning. Each day is an opportunity to learn more of this truth about my life. I also learn from watching others who are not who they are but believe the voice of their mind. The practice of meditation is helping me in letting go of, or identifying with, the voices and thoughts. I then can carry that practice into all areas of my life. Maybe true growth is the awareness of this and put it into action. It is a beautiful day here in Colorado. Hoping you have a wonderful day!

    I have about 10 drafts in my post sections. I either need to finish them or delete them. So you may see some posts that are not stellar writing but appear here because of my decision to rid myself of drafts. 😂

  • Art,  quotes,  Sculpture

    Hear the Teachings

    Loveland Sculpture Park – 2012

    I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me.

    Hermann Hesse

    I’ve had difficulty over the past few months of staying within the pages of books. I found myself losing interest after a few pages and noticing the need to reread paragraphs. I enjoy reading books for the knowledge gained from them and their ability to transform me with some planted seed. I realized that there has been a lot going on in my life that is distracting which has brought on lifestyle changes. However, I believe that the books we read are not the only tool for transformation because there is a teacher within all of us when we look for it. So, maybe I no longer need to seek in the stars or in books but turn inward to hear the teachings. 

    Met with the hematologist today and cancer is ruled out from the bone marrow biopsy. We just need to work on increasing my iron to bring up those platelet numbers. Hoping you enjoyed your day!

  • Art/Design,  coffee shops,  Sculpture

    A welcoming frog…

    Metal frog that greets you at Cups Coffee

    Made a visit to a coffee shop I’d not been to in quite some time. It’s changed owners and now has a different look and feel. I liked it. I found a couple lounge chairs facing the morning sun so I may go back to soak up some sun on a cold morning. I thought the frog was very welcoming, as was the mocha.


  • Art,  Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-T10,  Sculpture

    The Thinker
    The Thinker at the Bean Cycle coffeehouse

    A few facts for those who are interested. I did not know this but the Thinker was initially a figure in a large commission, begun in 1880, for a doorway surround called The Gates of Hell. The sculpture, Auguste Rodin, based this on The Divine Comedy of Dante, and most of the many figures in the work represented the main characters in the epic poem. Some critics believe The Thinker, at the centre of the composition over the doorway was originally intended to depict Dante at the gates of Hell, pondering his great poem.

    It is snowing large beautiful snowflakes as I type this post. I like these flakes as they are much needed by us. Again, I frown on the cold that comes along with these systems. Down into the teens tonight. Stay warm.

  • Art,  Sculpture


    A statue from the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida. I discovered this museum while on a walk around my hotel during an overnight back in 2010.

  • Children,  Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits,  Sculpture

    All Giggles

    All Giggles
    All Giggles

    This past weekend I met a friend at one of our malls. One of those places that was a field of flowers, grass and trees and home to all kinds of critters. Now it’s concrete, asphalt and retail stores. Anyway this young girls older sister was having a birthday party so of course she was not included. Dad’s assignment was to keep her preoccupied. When she saw this bronze statue she quickly ran up to the bench and sat on it. Then as a young child of her age she shared her sunglasses with the bronze boy. Dad agreed to let me take a photo. And one is all I took.

  • Art,  quotes,  Sculpture

    Reading Books

    Reading Books
    Reading Books

    “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”  ― Charles William Eliot