Here’s a little bit about the trip to Seattle. First off, the weather was wonderful, highs reached about 70 degrees and lows at night down to 55 degrees. No rain the whole time we were there. I ate too much.
My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
This image of the Seattle skyline was taken near Alki Beach along Harbor Avenue. It is an indication of the type of weather we enjoyed in Seattle. There is no beach where I’m standing. The sandy beach is farther west but the traffic and people was terrible. Enjoy your Saturday.
With all this free time at home I’ve been reflecting on memories of my youth, those years from five into my mid-teens. Life seemed simple back then. As a family we always ate our evening meal at home and always together. That was because we did not have much money and second there were not that many restaurants available. It’s different now.
Television was still in its’ younger days. Channels shutdown by midnight with the black test screen. Many of us still had black and white televisions with rabbit ears and at most, 3-5 channels. The evening news would come on at 5:00 for about an hour while a second at 10:00 pm. There was no 24/7 news from multiple sources with differing viewpoints. It’s different now.
We had one phone for the entire family to use and it hung on the wall. It was a party line so we needed to pickup the phone and make sure no one was using it before dialing. It had a rotary dial. It’s different now.
Thanks for listening.