• People/Portraits,  Self-portraits


    Taken in March 2018

    Two years ago today they wheeled me into a cold operating room, opened up my chest, stopped my heart, replaced the aortic valve, restarted the heart then glued me back together (seriously). I’m still here. So what is my life like after major open heart surgery? Early recovery after surgery was a slow process but two years later I feel like all is well. I’m only on two medicines, 83 mg of bayer aspirin and Atorvastatin. Doctors tell me heart sounds good, so I’ll go with that and continue my now annual examinations. It is my responsibility to keep this body as healthy as I can so I walk regularly and eat as healthy as I can. I say that because every once in awhile I eat a DQ Blizzard when they are not looking. The doctors and nurses did their part. I want to now do my part.

    The past two years I’ve started and finished a book with images of horizons including thoughts I have on the horizons we all face in our lives. It’s written in my crude poetic form but it’s a start, something new. I have begun to read poetry which I had never done before. I’m blaming all this on the meds. Even began to experiment with haiku which I’m enjoying but taxing for most readers of this blog. I’ve started another small book that includes a few current images and the haikus I’ve written. About a year ago I had cataract surgery so I no longer need to wear glasses except to read. The change in my vision after eye surgery was amazing and without a doubt made me a much better photographer. 😁 So with the change in my vision and a new perspective on life I upgraded my camera this past year so I can be an even better photographer. 😁

    In all seriousness my heart is working just fine and is full of gratitude. I am also grateful for you who follow this blog, your comments of enlightenment and encouragement and for any prayers you may have offered! Yes, grateful!

  • People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

    We had some gray clouds yesterday afternoon that provided some very nice defused light in my bedroom, great for portraits. Unfortunately I had no beautiful model nearby so I grabbed an “old” standby. Had him stare out the window and took a half dozen shots. I like the lighting but sure can tell he needs a haircut and the beard trimmed. Probably lose half a million of my followers after posting this. 🙂 Have a super weekend!

  • bees,  Self-portraits

    Happy New Years

    The New Years Eve Party
    The New Years Eve Party

    Here’s a self-portrait of the party animal. Lights were out by 10:23 and blankets were pulled up around my neck due to the sub-freezing temperatures. This is what happens when you’re facing your 65th birthday in 2015, carry an extra 15-20 pounds at the waistline and have a difficult time staying awake past 11:00. I stopped trying to stay up till midnight and welcome in the new year a few years ago. I figure I’ll see it in the morning feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep. In my past I did not need a holiday to party and drink, any day worked. I actually was more interested in the “four” bowl games on New Year’s Day. We’d set out unhealthy snacks and overdose on both all day long. When the kids were younger it was fun to make them a big breakfast and watch the Rose Bowl Parade. I hope everyone has a blessed 2015 and Happy New Years!

  • Black and White,  People/Portraits,  quotes,  Self-portraits

    Dark and Mysterious

    One Light Portrait
    One Light Portrait

    “There’s just something unsettling about studying your reflection. It’s not a matter of being dissatisfied with your face or of being embarrassed by your vanity. Maybe it’s that when you gaze into your own eyes, you don’t see what you wish to see—or glimpse something that you wish weren’t there.” 

    Dean Koontz, Deeply Odd

    I again called upon the older guy to model for me as I played with some exposure and lighting effects.  Shot this in the afternoon with window light only. I wanted to use the camera and flash to darken the background. I set the camera on manual at f2.0 and a shuter speed of 400th of a second.  This darkened the background while I used off camera flash, set on manual, and powered at 1/64th to light only my face. It is through using myself I learn about flash and how to play with it. It takes longer to experiment. After I feel comfortable I can then use a different model. Black and white conversion was done in Silver Efex Pro.