• poems,  poetry,  shadows

    Looking For Me

    I have been sitting here resting
    after my morning stroll, and the sun
    in its soft yellow work gloves
    has come in through the window
    and is feeling around on the opposite wall
    looking for me, having seen me
    cheerfully walking along the road
    just as it rose, having followed me home
    to see what I have to be happy about.

    Ted Kooser, Winter Morning Walks

    Another bitter cold morning at -8 degrees. However, the forecast is promising. I’m liking Kooser’s poetry in this new book called Winter Morning Walks recommended by Joe. Stay warm!

  • poetry,  seasons,  shadows,  writing/reading

    Stay Warm

    the warm sunlight enters my bedroom window,
    with shadows in contrast to the suns rays of happiness
    the morning begins

    clouds quietly move in and gray skies begin to dominate,
    promising a blanket of snow and cold temperatures
    the change begins

    without fanfare old man winter makes an appearance,
    and in the silence we listen for the first snowflakes
    the snow begins


  • landscape,  Plants,  shadows,  snow,  trees

    Shadows and Tracks

    Shadows and tracks in the snow from Thursday

    It’s been mostly gray skies today. The sun tried to make an appearance as I watched from my bedroom window but to no avail. It has been cold also and the reason I sit in my bedroom, much too cold to be on the porch. I’ve not had much energy or ambition, although I did get things done and accomplished. For those on the east coast and the Great Lakes area, stay warm on this cold Saturday!

  • quotes,  shadows,  street photography

    A Look at Shadows

    “The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.”

    Carl Jung

    The sun shines brightly this morning casting shadows all around me. I watch the tree’s shadows stretching across the street outside the window of the coffee shop. Shadows fall upon these pages as I journal. And, on the wall next to me I see my ever present shadow. Quite handsome I must say. And, as with many photographers, shadows are a subject of interest for me. I share many images of shadows on this blog.

    Additionally in my practice of self-examination along with prayer and meditation I’ve come to know those dark aspects of my personality as present and real, what Jung is referring to as our shadow side. Discovering the dark aspects of my shadow side reminds me of the enjoyable task of learning more about myself and eliminating or reducing those that are negative and harmful. I’m grateful for shadows as a subject to photograph but also because they remind me there is yet more to know about myself. Time to post this as the setting sun is casting long shadows across my front yard. The end of another day.

  • leaves,  Plants,  quotes,  shadows,  snow


    True creativity does not need an excuse. It is its own motivation. It is spontaneous. It need not win public recognition, and its aim is not success.

    Brother Paul Quenon

    Sorry for posting another leaf image and quote. 😂 It has been another beautiful day in Colorado. It was 52 degrees when I took my camera on a walk this afternoon. Nature knows how to be creative when we look and see.

  • quotes,  shadows

    What I look for…

    “What we do see depends mainly on what we look for. … In the same field the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the colouring, sportmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not all follow that we should see them.”

    John Lubbock

    A few years ago I worked for a landscaper. One morning as we pulled up to this home we were going to work on, Ed was immediately able to point out to me where they were going to have drainage problems when it rained. Wow! We saw with such different eyes. As a photographer I’ve learned that when I move my tripod and camera 20 feet in any direction my photographer’s eye will see that scene differently.

    And, what I understand as reality is not as it appears to someone else. Probably my greatest growth has been to try and see as others do, accepting that they have a different reality and not try to change how they see. So maybe I need to be more open to what I look for. Maybe I’ll see a snow covered yellow fire hydrant. Hope you had a wonderful Saturday!