• Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  quotes

    Simple Beads

    Simple Beads
    Simple Beads

    “Go outside. Don’t tell anyone and don’t bring your phone. Start walking and keep walking until you no longer know the road like the palm of your hand, because we walk the same roads day in and day out, to the bus and back home and we cease to see. We walk in our sleep and teach our muscles to work without thinking and I dare you to walk where you have not yet walked and I dare you to notice. Don’t try to get anything out of it, because you won’t. Don’t try to make use of it, because you can’t. And that’s the point. Just walk, see, sit down if you like. And be. Just be, whatever you are with whatever you have, and realise that that is enough to be happy. There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it.”

    Charlotte Eriksson
  • Candid Portraits,  Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits

    Erika’s Shoes

    High Heels
    High Heels

    “Those who live in gratitude, see beauty even in the smallest gift, they see life as a miracle opening up before them.”

    Some people have no problem walking up to strangers and asking for a photograph. I find it difficult to do but every once in a while I generate enough courage to ask. Bob Dien, and others, find this easier to do than I do. Anyway here is Erika’s Shoes. Thanks, Erika!