• horizons,  landscape,  quotes,  snow,  winter scenes

    I would suggest…

    A Frozen Horsetooth Reservoir

    Rightly understood, the mystic is not a special kind of human being; rather, every human being is a special kind of mystic.

    David Steindl-Rast

    A blue sky and sunshine the day after a snowfall will make me smile as a photographer. I can be confident that images will be available if I will bear the cold. This was one of those days! The quote above makes me wonder what our world would look like if we all believed we were a special kind of mystic. Mirabai Starr states a mystic is a person who has a direct experience of the sacred, unmediated by conventional religious rituals or intermediaries. I’ve also seen it defined as someone who has a direct experience of the Divine. Mary Oliver also believed that anyone who knows how to pay attention, can be considered a mystic. And, there are many more we could list. But with those definitions, then if we have stood in awe and wonder at a sunrise, snow covered mountains, a butterfly flitting from branch to branch or mesmerized before a place of refuge, then I would suggest we are a mystic.

  • quotes,  shadows,  snow,  winter scenes

    More Snow Bubbles

    “If we are to see a true reawakening to the sacredness of the Earth and harness the deepest energy of our being to serve this awareness, we need a strong inner authority in our own souls to challenge the religious, political, and social systems that have recklessly ignored or denied this sacredness and are imperiling the very future of the world.”

    John Philip Newell, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul

    I write this post from the warmth of a coffee shop with a beautifully crafted mocha latte in front of me. We had a magnificent Colorado sunrise that brought a smile to my face and a spark of joy in my heart. This past snowfall gave us a taste of the beauty of our winter wonderland. We still have cold temperatures but with the help of the suns rays, the snow melts, offering its life source into the soil. I love the sacredness and beauty nature offers, even snow bubbles.

  • landscape,  quotes,  shadows,  snow

    Shadows and Silence

    Why are you so afraid of silence
    Silence is the root of everything.

    If you spiral into its void
    A hundred voices will thunder
    Messages you long to hear.


    This image is from last month after one of our snowfalls. Love the shadows and silence found in winters lovely scenes. Have a great day!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  landscape,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes

    Spring Snow

    Well, Happy St. Patrick’s Day. ☘️ Not much green to be seen in our neighborhood. Awoke to a light spring snowfall, very wet and slushy. Made my way to the Bean Cycle where Devan worked on her latte art (above). She did not make me a four leaf clover design but she may practice on them today.

    After some reading, journaling and finishing my latte I headed to Rolland Moore Park for a few winter images. No one was playing basketball or volleyball and all the park benches were empty. People probably decided to have another cup of coffee and toast with jelly or making snow angels in the streets.

    My next stop was near Pineridge Natural Area. By now the roads had become very slushy and drivers were slowing down. The cities snow plows were out clearing the slush and putting down their chemicals (that poison that seeps into our groundwater).

    I saw on the news feed this morning (need to stop that) where Putin thinks “a natural and necessary self-purification of society will strengthen his country.” Then I read where Zelensky is quoted as saying, “I am almost 45 years old. Today my age stopped when the hearts of more than 100 children stopped beating. I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the deaths.” I’m thinking this morning that maybe the self-purification is about purifying minds that believe in killing.

    To end on a positive note I love the silent falling of snow, the moisture that it brings to our world. This gentle snowfall will help green up the meadows for its display of spring beauty while creating the food sources and habitat for birds and animals. May there be love ❤️ and peace ☮️ in the world!

  • landscape,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    Condition of Being Human

    CSU Oval this morning

    “Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into the places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears. Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human.”

    Henri J.M. Nouwen

    It’s snowing again this morning. If you look closely you’ll see a bicyclist pedaling across campus to their class. Weather app says it’s 14 degrees with 17 mph winds and feels like -2 degrees. With these weather conditions maybe we could say the bicyclist is super human.

    Anyway, I thought the quote represents something the political and social powers of the world need to understand more about, actually experience themselves. Stay warm!!!!

  • grass,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  Plants,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  snow,  trees

    Mornings Snowfall

    Snow began falling yesterday morning with those big beautiful fluffy snowflakes. The powdery stuff you blow off the car. For some insane reason I decided to hang out in the cold along the foothills between Pineridge Natural Area and Reservoir Ridge Natural Area. First stop was Pineridge Natural Area. Didn’t feel like sitting on the bench but what a view!!

    This is a group of trees just below Pineridge Natural Area. Horsetooth Reservoir and dam are just hidden behind the trees. So often images just do not convey the feeling we are experiencing before us. But, I’ll keep trying.

    This is from the parking lot of Reservoir Ridge Natural Area. I was facing a cold 8 mph wind about this time and the snow began picking up. I also slid through a red light on my way to this area. So glad no one was going through the green light. So, after taking this image I headed to the safety and warmth of home.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

    My Friends

    “There is no friend as loyal as a book.”

    Ernest Hemingway

    Between my camera, my journal, my fountain pens and a book, I would say books are in the top four. And, if I’m carrying my Kindle Paperwhite I’ll have to include a small digital library. Not sure I can say if any one is more important than the other but they all have become my friends. After writing that I also want to include the book of nature. I consider her to be a loyal friend, also.

    Clouds and snow have now settled over the mountains above 6,000 feet. Interesting how they say we could expect “snow accumulation of 4-8 inches, with 6-12 inches in the foothills.” Pretty much covers it all. So, I have a pot of Cream of Chicken Noodle soup cooking on the stove. Should be ready around 1:00 pm if you’re heading over this way.

  • Avian,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes

    How do they do that?

    Well, since you asked, here are some interesting facts for you about Canada Geese. Geese on the ice may be resting or preparing to move on to un-frozen bodies of water when need be. Huddling their bodies together on the ice of a shallow pond can cause it to warm up, especially along the edges, and increase their food supply, so sleeping on the ice can merely be a step towards thawing it out.

    Their bodies are built to stay warm. They have insulated underbellies, and enough feathers, generally between 20,000 and 25,000, to keep their upper body temperature around 104°F (40°C). (Goose down has long been considered the warmest filling for things such as jackets and sleeping bags.)

    Geese also have an interesting type of circulation through their feet that transfers warm blood back up into their bodies. Since their feet can’t freeze, they often sleep with them tucked underneath their bodies. This heat-transference phenomenon is one of the reasons why sometimes you’ll see them standing on one foot with the other tucked up under the belly, especially when the ground is frozen. 1Courtesy of Google.