My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
“The simplest spiritual discipline is some degree of solitude and silence. To be with our own thoughts and feelings is probably the most courageous act most of us will ever do.”
…and the sun has been shining most of the day. However, when I left the condo this morning for my chai latte a massive cloud bank sat along the easter horizon hiding the sun. It finally broke above the cloud bank about 8:00 am and immediately began to warm and brighten our day. People were out enjoying this beautiful day. Parking lots to the natural areas were full this afternoon. Now the long late afternoon shadows have faded into the coming darkness as the sun sets and the feeling of cold surrounds me. I’m in for the night to read and post these simple words. Hope you had a good weekend and pray you have a good week.
Saw a bumper sticker today that I liked and it made me smile. It’s a bit different than its cousin by one word. It says, “Make America Grateful Again.” I’m not so sure either grateful or great are the best words but I would like to have our country be known as grateful rather than great.
… the breath of life, family, friends, sobriety, journaling, photography, nature, coffee shops, solitude, quiet, prayer, meditation, books, serenity, courage, an open mind, willingness, avocado toast, chocolate and …
I would like to invite all who read this post to add to this short list above those things which you are grateful for. You do not need to add them in the comments necessarily but maybe find a piece of paper and write them down as you go through the day. Sunshine and blue skies here. Happy Monday!
Arrived at Fremont Lake yesterday afternoon to clear skies and warm weather. I do not have wifi or cellular at my campsite, which is something I expected. Lets me know how much I use both.
My drive was without trouble. I encountered a ton of road construction on I-80. Seems they were working on the interstate all the way from Laramie to Rock Springs, Wyoming. I would also say 70% of all traffic was semi trucks. Once I turned onto 191 the semi trucks disappeared and the traffic switched to RVs, Vans, and trailers. The interstate follows two separate railroad tracks so I saw almost continuous trains going both east and west.
My campsite
There are 39 campsites at the Fremont Lake Campground. All were taken except two which I didn’t expect. I chose #7 because it had shade trees while the other one was wide open but had a wonderful view of the lake. That turned out to be a good choice because of the protection by my sisters the trees and they helped isolate noise, letting me enjoy the quiet. My back was sore when I went to bed from all the driving but slept well until early morning. Camping is cheap for us seniors as it only cost me $15 for two nights.
Yesterday afternoon at Fremont Lake
I did some walking after setting up camp so I was able to get my steps in, and some. The area around the lake is a large boulder field and I’m talking big boulders. Wildlife is everywhere, deer, antelope, hawks and squirrels everywhere I turned. I did not remember how much boating there is on the lake. But, that was 19 years ago. I drove around yesterday evening to explore the area and took the above image while sitting on one of those large boulders. Such peace and quiet. I just may do it again this evening. The silence and quiet was a primary reason for this trip.
The drama of storm clouds and the sun about to rise after the rain
The wind began blowing hard about 4:39 am, followed by lightning and thunder. Then, a nice gentle rain began falling and rained for a good hour. I stayed dry. The trees protected me from the wind and some rain. So that was a good reason to choose this site. There is something magical for me to lay there warm, dry and listening to the rain. I did not sleep much after it began raining, so I’ve been up for a while. But, there’s always the afternoon power nap!
There is something about the scent of wet sage and having an antelope checking me out.
I drove into town with hopes to get my mocha latte fix, my internet fix and hopefully some early morning photos fix. Got all three! Now in a coffee shop call Pine Coffee Supply. It’s an old converted garage. They do their own roasting. I was here at 7:30 am when they opened and they have been busy every since I arrived. Could be because they are the only coffee shop in town. That’s the end of this update.
“Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone.”
Paul Tillich
Words have become important to me as I’ve journaled through the past few years. And, words are important in my attempts to express thoughts and ideas on this blog. When I came across this quote it very simply gave me the words I was not able to express before. I like that. I use both the words loneliness and solitude in much of my writing. Now they have a much deeper meaning for me. I love words, and flowers, and sunrises, and…
“… becoming Indigenous to a place means living as if your children’s future mattered, to take care of the land as if our lives, both material and spiritual, depended on it.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
I have places inside and outside of the city that are sacred to me. I do not have civil ownership to them but I visit them because this is where I find quiet, solitude and regeneration. I cannot think of one place I visit where the hand of man has not trashed it in some way with beer cans, whiskey bottles, old tires, mattresses, chairs, cigarette butts, etc. It is a sign of how little we know about caring for our world, and those we share this land with or ourselves. I believe the care for the land must start with me.
When you cease to fear your solitude, a new creativity awakens in you. Your forgotten or neglected inner wealth begins to reveal itself. You come home to yourself and learn to rest within. Thoughts are our inner senses. Infused with silence and solitude, they bring out the mystery of the inner landscape.
John O’Donohue
I consider myself a landscape photographer because I enjoy moments of solitude whether I’m in nature or not. That inner landscape has been an interest for many years now. I enjoy spending time in nature or the inner landscape and what I’m discovering in those two landscapes.
Sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area with a dirty lens
Communing with God is communing with our own hearts, our own best selves, not with something foreign and accidental. Saints and devotees have gone into the wilderness to find God; of course they took God with them, and the silence and detachment enabled them to hear the still, small voice of their own souls, as one hears the ticking of his own watch in the stillness of the night.
You have seen many sunrises and sunsets upon your branches and your sacred roots O’ Tree Spirit I give thanks to you for the singing birds that you shelter for the music you sing in the breeze for listening to the voices of the creatures for echoing the ancestors strength