• Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes

    A Bowl of Soup

    Perhaps the first step in making the Middle Passage meaningful is to acknowledge the partiality of the lens we were given by family and culture, and through which we have made our choices and suffered their consequences. If we had been born of another time and place, to different parents who held different values, we would have had an entirely different lens. The lens we received generated a conditional life, which represents not who we are but how we were conditioned to see life and make choices… We succumb to the belief that the way we have grown to see the world is the only way to see it, the right way to see it, and we seldom suspect the conditioned nature of our perception.

    James Hollis

    Overcast skies this morning, a light mist falling, and almost no wind. I did not expect to watch the sun crest the horizon with all the cloud cover but needed to include time in the Arapaho Bend Natural Area to start my day. The clouds were showing their better side so I accepted a few images. On the top branch of a barren tree two hawks surveyed their land. I listened to the babbling of hundreds of blackbirds. Not far from where I stood a goose or two were in a heated debate over nesting rights. I watched the graceful slow flying blue herons glide over the water in search of a fishing spot. And in the distance one eagle sat perched on a pole. After giving thanks and a few deep breaths I moved on to enjoy a mocha by Issac and an almond croissant at Starry Night. Rain and snow are predicted later today and into the night. Hope so as we need the moisture. I am grateful for the lens my family and culture gave me, with all of its limits, but I am just as grateful for the lens of maturity I am now seeing the world with. It will be a good day to enjoy a bowl of vegetable soup with andouille sausage added for a kick. Enjoy your day!

  • Mary Oliver,  poems,  poetry

    Love as never before…

    Yesterday’s mornings predawn colors over Dixon Reservoir

    Be still, my soul, and steadfast.
    Earth and heaven both are still watching
    though time is draining from the clock
    and your walk, that was confident and quick,
    has become slow.

    So, be slow if you must, but let
    the heart still play its true part.
    Love still as once you loved, deeply
    and without patience. Let God and the world
    know you are grateful.
    That the gift has been given.

    May Oliver, The Gift

    I’m beginning to accept aging as more of a constant companion than someone to avoid. Nor do I live in a fantasy that it will go away. Aging now walks with me every day and walk at that slower pace. Some days I feel the grief of losing that walk that was confident and quick in my life, as Mary says in her poem. Yet, in this season of my life I am grateful for the gift of the life which has been given. What a gift it is to slow down, be present to life, fully experience and enjoy it. So my simple prayer this morning is that I may love as never before. The world needs more love! Why not let a spark begin with me.

    I began a crock pot of 15 bean soup this morning. Well there are more than 15 beans in it, which will be ready about 1:00 pm if you wanna come over. May you have a wonderful day, filled with a heart of gratitude!

  • haiku,  Humor,  journal,  journaling,  musings,  writing/reading

    Morning Musings

    blue pen, blue ink
    words fill pages of journal
    morning musings


    Welp! Yesterday was Friday the 14th with a touch of Friday the 13th in it. Let me explain. The coffee shop I wanted to go to was not open when I arrived at 7:00 am so I went down the street to one that was open. When I arrived at the second coffee shop I noticed I’d forgotten my Fitbit/watch. No problem. When I got home I noticed I’d left my phone at the coffee shop. No problem. Later in the afternoon I stopped to look at one of the new e-bikes, that’s in my price range. Bending down to look at the belt drive I bumped my head on their rack. Hurt like hell! I cursed profusely! Began bleeding so I went to the ER to have it looked at and because I’m new to this blood thinner stuff. Now we have a problem. I had to have staples put in my noggin and a tetanus shot. Will have the staples removed in 5 days. I then stopped and got a DQ blizzard on the way home for any pain I may have. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I then stayed on my porch the rest of the day and kept all sharp objects at a distance. I took a shower this morning, gently washed my hair and then gently combed my hair. Will need to watch that for the next few days. Put on a crockpot of vegetable soup and will enjoy that later today. Hope you enjoy your day!

  • seasons,  snow,  winter scenes

    Wrong, again.

    They said last night when I went to bed we’d have 1-3 inches of snow by morning. Wrong, again. This storm turned out to be a nice spring snow of at least 7-8 inches, loaded with moisture. Gardeners will will love this snowfall, as will wildflowers in the meadows and weeds in people’s front yards. It’s actually quite pretty. The city snow plows have been out clearing the slush off the roads but if there is no reason to be out, stay home. It’s more of a day to curl up in a favorite chair, wrapped in a blanket and read a book. Or, if the child in you wants it’s also a good chance to go play in the white stuff. Maybe make a snowman, it’s perfect snow for that. It’s also one of those days to warm up a bowl of soup for lunch. Now that I think about it, didn’t we just have that first day of spring about a week ago?

  • grass,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  Plants,  poems,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes,  writing/reading

    A Bit More Snow

    Now through the white orchard my little dog
    romps, breaking the new snow
    with wild feet.
    Running here running there, excited,
    hardly able to stop, he leaps, he spins
    until the white snow is written upon
    in large, exuberant letters,
    a long sentence, expressing
    the pleasures of the body in this world.
    Oh, I could not have said it better

    The Storm by Mary Oliver

    Winter weather is the word for the day, receiving the 3-4 inches promised. It is loaded with moisture and making road conditions bad. It was 18 degrees at about 8:30 am and not expecting to be above 22 degrees. I call that cold and the perfect day to stay in and eat leftover vegetable soup, unless your Mary Oliver’s dog.

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  gratitude,  haiku,  Holidays,  People/Portraits,  writing/reading

    Day of Thanksgiving

    with hands of gratitude
    wrapped around coffee cups
    they share morning time together
    a simple conversation
    sometimes without words 
    on this day of thanksgiving


    Since Mugs at the Oval was closed today I went to Mugs in Old Town. Streets were busy as they were having a foot race called the Turkey Trot. Being a people watcher I noticed a couple sitting across from me with their coffees. I was taken by their hands. So, I asked for and was given permission to take a couple images of their hands. Thank you, Scott and Michelle, and may you two have a wonderful day and life together!

    I have much to be grateful for in my life. I regularly journal a gratitude list and that is what I will do throughout this day. I find it a great habit and can place me in a better mood when I list what I have rather than what I don’t have (or think I need). I put on a crock pot of andouille sausage and vegetable soup that is good for a cold day as today. Have reached out to family and friends through text messaging and calls letting them know I love them and they are on the lists! The sun came out so I got a walk in and burned some calories. No pie for me this year but an apple fritter made it to my plate.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

    My Friends

    “There is no friend as loyal as a book.”

    Ernest Hemingway

    Between my camera, my journal, my fountain pens and a book, I would say books are in the top four. And, if I’m carrying my Kindle Paperwhite I’ll have to include a small digital library. Not sure I can say if any one is more important than the other but they all have become my friends. After writing that I also want to include the book of nature. I consider her to be a loyal friend, also.

    Clouds and snow have now settled over the mountains above 6,000 feet. Interesting how they say we could expect “snow accumulation of 4-8 inches, with 6-12 inches in the foothills.” Pretty much covers it all. So, I have a pot of Cream of Chicken Noodle soup cooking on the stove. Should be ready around 1:00 pm if you’re heading over this way.

  • haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes,  writing/reading

    To See With All of Them

    “I began to realize that the camera sees the world differently than the human eye and that sometimes those differences can make a photograph more powerful than what you actually observed.”

    Galen Rowell

    This is another image from yesterday morning at Pineridge Natural Area. It was not as cold this morning at -2 degrees as it was yesterday. Sun is also radiant against the blue sky today. I put on a pot of Chicken Tortilla soup and let it cook for about six hours. I love how the condo smells when I cook soup. It is a good day for soup.

    As some of you know I have played around with writing haiku and sharing it on my blog. I began to look at haiku because of the suggestion of a good friend. I knew nothing about it nor had I read any of it. My understanding is that a haiku is a language of creation, a way to re-create the essence of a moment and allow it to touch our hearts anew. 1Haiku-The Sacred Art: (The Art of Spiritual Living) by Margaret D. McGee. When the pandemic began I spent more time in nature, had those moments that touched my heart and tried to capture them with haiku as well as my camera. It seems to me the eye of the heart sees much differently than the human eye or the camera. Today my desire is to see with all of them.