Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
Where’s Spring
Good morning from Colorful Colorado. Well, this morning it looks more like a black and white world. What a difference twelve hours can make. Yesterday we had rain showers moving through the area in the afternoon, giving us a feeling of spring. So waking up this morning to see snow was a surprise. I had about an inch on my car this morning. My weather app predicts a 70% chance of snow but I know damn good and well that’s snow, not rain. The above image is another photograph of the cottonwood on Stewart Street. I have a series of this tree taken during all different seasons and time of day. And the weather app says we have two more days of this.
This is a view of Dixon Reservoir. One trait of the spring snows is the ability to cling to leaves and branches. You can see in both images how the snow clings to the trees. I must admit that these wet spring snows can be absolutely beautiful! I learned a long time ago to not put my winter coat away until at least July. The snow did not stop the joggers and runners out there on the trails. In the top image you can see someone walking their dog. Brave souls!
A Beautiful Spring Day
inspired by a beautiful spring day
I caught the Max to campus
with an iced chai, I found a spot surrounded
by the quiet of the campus courtyard
soaking in the silence, I began listening
and writing words in my journal
abruptly, the quiet became chaos
as students poured out of classrooms
now surrounded by every size, shape, color
of student and backpack imaginable
conversations exploded everywhere,
gossip, tales from last night and laughter.
then gently, peace and quiet returned
as everyone moved on to their next period.
and in this quiet I wondered,
how many saw the daffodils? -
Springtime in Colorado
Springtime in Colorado includes snow in May in case you didn’t know that. This was taken at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area about an hour ago. Rain began about midnight and is slowly turning to snow. Snow is already on the foothills at probably 6500 feet and the higher elevations are shrouded in clouds and snow. Forecast this morning says 4-12 inches of snow will accumulate throughout the day and end tomorrow by noon. My weather app says it’s 37 degrees. The meadowlarks were singing as I took this image. Seems each day is a day to be grateful to them. We can learn from them. I’m now having a bowl of hot Irish Oats with blueberries. Seemed appropriate. Turned the furnace on, too. Meanwhile Phoenix and Charlotte will be in the 90’s.
Unopened Gift
pointing skyward
warm colors of new life
unopened giftFound this tulip among its siblings outside the coffee shop. They were a gift that made the start to my day brighter. Then… I enjoyed my mocha.
Try to be there…
“The answer must be, I think, that beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them. The least we can do is try to be there.”
Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker CreekThese are the predawn colors at Pineridge Nature Area this morning. A strong wind was blowing from the north, robins were singing and magpies were squawking. At first one may think the magpies are complaining but I like to believe it’s their way to greet me in the morning. Just maybe they are thanking me for being there. After some journaling at the natural area I made my way for my morning mocha. They also thanked me for being there.
Back home and clouds now fill the skies. A steady rain is being offered to our parched land and souls. This rain is welcomed, a wonderful sign of spring, so I have a thankful heart. Hope you have a great day and try to be there.
Spring Appearances
On my walk across campus this morning for a mocha latte I noticed these crocus making their spring appearances. It is overcast with a cold breeze that penetrates. As things begin to relax more people are out and about without masks but they are still required on the busses. I’m a minority because I still wear mine. Have a wonderful Friday and April Fools to you.
Embracing Silence
fresh blanket of snow
covers cold open meadow
demanding silence