• bicycle rides,  clouds,  Pedaling on,  quotes,  sunrises

    Moments like this

    Sunrise over CSU campus this morning

    We can express them (beauty and love) with words but cannot define them — we can only say that this and this are included but that is not, and wordlessly we all recognise the truth of it. Speech is limited, no matter what the language…. For in our hearts we understand more than we can possibly talk about.

    N.J. Berrill

    I stopped for this image on my ride to the coffee shop this morning. Makes me wonder if my coffee life is enriched because of moments of beauty like this. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  • quotes,  street photography

    Lost in the mist…

    “Mystery surrounds every deep experience of the human heart: the deeper we go into the heart’s darkness or its light, the closer we get to the ultimate mystery of God.”

    Parker J Palmer

    I see scenes like this quite often on my walk across the CSU Oval. The back lit light of the sprinklers always grabs my attention. So, I stopped for a couple of images. I find mystery in this image because it includes the cyclist, lost in the mist, riding on the sidewalk down the center of the oval as if they were within the spray. The wind continues to blow this morning, so my hair is a mess, but we have clear skies and sunshine. I am happy to see more and more green. The semester is over, finals are done and most students have headed home. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • Cityscapes/Urban,  sunrises

    I’ll do it later….

    Sprinklers and sunrise at campus Oval
    Sprinklers and sunrise at campus Oval

    Yeah right! “Later” sometimes means never.

    Before I left my home this morning I checked my calendar. Something inside me was telling me I was to meet someone but there was nothing in the calendar. So, I jumped on the bus, headed to campus and camped in a comfy chair in the Lory Student Center for some reading and writing. A little after 9:00 I received a message from Eric wanting to know if we were still meeting at 9:00. Dang it! It was another instance where I told myself over a week ago that I’d do it later but later turned into never. It really is true that life is about the process, never being prefect but hopefully learning from these experiences. Again, hoping all my friends on the east coast are safe!

  • Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  seasons

    Getting Warmer

    Early Morning At Campus Oval
    Early Morning At Campus Oval

    Our days are getting warm as we move into summer. The sun is rising earlier and setting later. It’s a good time of the summer for me. I enjoy sitting in my Adirondack chair on my porch both mornings and evenings to journal or read whole listening to the robins.

    Yesterday morning about 7:30 am I saw the above scene on my walk across campus. I loved it due to the lighting. It was all about the beginning of a new day. The back lighting of the sprinklers and the man’s shilouette were my attention getters. Enjoy your day!