We had Thanksgiving yesterday at my oldest daughter and her husbands new home. I say new but what they purchased was an old country school house built in 1926. They have started converting into a home, all 6500 square feet of it. What a project but one they are looking forward to. They have already had the hardwood floors worked on and the contractor did an awesome job. This image was shot through the trees of the playground and facing west. Oh, and dinner was awesome. After grazing on appetizers I still managed to eat a plate full of turkey and yams and green beans. Even indulged in a piece of pecan pie. I hate when I eat too much.
Under Your Feet
“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.”
James OppenheimStart another 4-day trip today. This was from an early evening walk at the Arapaho Bend Nature Area. Learning more about this Fujifilm X-E1.
Seeing Life
“Technical perfection is not the goal of photography: seeing life is.” – Ellis Vener
Thought the quote was right on. I feel my aging and joy of photography have brought seeing life into my world.
Be Happy
“A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough to be happy.” ― Steve Maraboli,
A starburst comes through a tree as I watch the sunrise from the patio of a local coffee shop. Nice way to start a morning.
It’s my belief passionate photographers have a voice inside that suggests ideas for images. These ideas randomly present themselves at the strangest moments: driving the car, taking a shower, dreams in the middle of the night, scrambling eggs, reading a book, etc. Some we remember and some fade off in the darkness of forgotten moments. Some inspirational moments are to motivate us, make us take action. The above image was just such an inspiration.
The inspiration came to me on a Saturday afternoon. The Idea was for a Sunday morning sunrise shoot. I knew about where on County Road 13 I wanted to setup and what time I needed to be there. Other than that I did not have any specific vision. I knew there were trees and fence posts that I could include in the image. I would not know what I’d come home with but I needed an image. It was also about experiencing a morning sunrise not. Probably more importantly, I needed to take action of that voice. As these small trees are on private land I needed to shoot from the bar ditch or road. I walk up and down the dirt road for places to setup. The temperature was a warm 34 degrees compared to the single digits we had the previous week. The cold was invigorating even though my fingers were aching when I finished. It’s not an image I will print but it was just what I needed. I followed the inspiration.
Two Silos
Still playing with the G12 and have a few things to share with you. I am very pleased with image quality, colors, sharpness and the noise (under 800). Love the small size and find it so much less intrusive when people see it. I really have struggled with the ergonomics and controls. It’s a far cry from the SLRs I’ve been using for the past few years. Over time I will be able to know the camera better and be able to change settings quicker than I do now. I hardly use the viewfinder, finding the LCD display to be the better solution for me. Seeing the histogram before taking an image is helpful. The above image was taken out at the Arapahoe Nature Area. Just across from this nature area is an old abandoned farm with a barn, couple of silos and some corrals. I knelt down low and placed the early evening sun between the silos and used the widest aperture the camera has: f8.0. I don’t think the lens did too bad a job with a starburst.
What’s in a dewdrop?
A starburst of light found in a dewdrop after a night of rain.