• Art,  lifestyles,  Sculpture,  spirituality

    More about …

    The Mercy Center non-profit operated by a Catholic group of people called the Missionaries of Mercy, which offer sabbaticals, retreats and workshops for religious and lay. It is made of tow houses converted to a accommodate several people in each house with private rooms and baths. They have a Mercy Center that has 5 rooms upstairs and conference, training and counseling rooms on the lower level. Another house is a kitchen and dining area as well as a meeting room above. This figure of Mary is outside of the dining room.

    Have some homework and laundry to do this afternoon which works since it’s suppose to rain.

  • Art,  Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-T10,  Sculpture

    The Thinker
    The Thinker at the Bean Cycle coffeehouse

    A few facts for those who are interested. I did not know this but the Thinker was initially a figure in a large commission, begun in 1880, for a doorway surround called The Gates of Hell. The sculpture, Auguste Rodin, based this on The Divine Comedy of Dante, and most of the many figures in the work represented the main characters in the epic poem. Some critics believe The Thinker, at the centre of the composition over the doorway was originally intended to depict Dante at the gates of Hell, pondering his great poem.

    It is snowing large beautiful snowflakes as I type this post. I like these flakes as they are much needed by us. Again, I frown on the cold that comes along with these systems. Down into the teens tonight. Stay warm.

  • Art,  quotes,  Sculpture,  writing/reading

    Quiet Place to Read

    Reading with his Friend
    Reading with his Friend

    “What does it require to read a book?  It requires time, quiet, patience, attentiveness to the written words, imagination and emotions.” Ilia Delio

    Reading a book is experiential. The reader and writer merge within the pages. Each experience is unique. Enlightening. Transforming. Magical. Get lost in one, or found. Race through one or chew on one for weeks. And, reread one once in a while. We need books.

    Reading the book of nature requires the same time,  quiet, patience, attentiveness to its words, imagination and emotions. It is just as experiential. Enlightening. Transforming. Magical. Go for a walk. Meander through a nature area or around the block and read its words. We need nature.

    Or, go spend time in nature, bring along a book, or two, and find a quiet place to read.

  • Children,  Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits,  Sculpture

    All Giggles

    All Giggles
    All Giggles

    This past weekend I met a friend at one of our malls. One of those places that was a field of flowers, grass and trees and home to all kinds of critters. Now it’s concrete, asphalt and retail stores. Anyway this young girls older sister was having a birthday party so of course she was not included. Dad’s assignment was to keep her preoccupied. When she saw this bronze statue she quickly ran up to the bench and sat on it. Then as a young child of her age she shared her sunglasses with the bronze boy. Dad agreed to let me take a photo. And one is all I took.

  • Documentary/Street,  Humor,  quotes

    A Smiling Face

    A Happy Face
    A Smiling Face

    “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
    ― Thích Nhất Hạnh
    Looking at this chef in the front of a local Italian Restaurant makes me want to smile. If you’re out and about shopping then you are braver than me. Anyway, my favorite color is blue and I wear a medium shirt. If you’re serious about shopping, I “need” more socks and underwear but “want” one of the following (or all three): Fujinon 18mm f2.0, Fujinon 23mm f1.4, Fujinon 35mm f1.4. 🙂 Look, I’m smiling already!
  • quotes,  Sculpture

    You have to feel …..

    St Francis
    St Francis

    “Seeing is not enough; you have to feel what you photograph.” – Andre Kertesz

    Kertesz is not not talking about reaching out and physically getting our hands on a subject but talking about the feelings and emotions within us, that part of us that is human. If he was talking about physically feeling with our hands then many of us would probably be photographing for Playboy. 🙂 The feelings he suggests are those emotions that move our soul, something deep within us.

  • clouds,  landscape,  Sculpture

    Open Space

    Open Space

    This past week, on a whim, I drove up to the Abby of St. Walburga, located at Virginia Dale, Colorado. The Abbey is a small community of Benedictine contemplative nuns,a place of prayer. Now this is a place of quiet. The monastic life they live is based on a praying the Divine Office. There have been periods in my life where the only prayer I said was “Oh God!” So, I commend those who devote their lives to prayer, meditation and contemplation, no matter what faith. And, as I’ve aged prayer, meditation and contemplation are playing a larger part in my life.

    To get the Abby you almost have to drive to Wyoming. As you notice in the above image there are not many trees up there due to the rocky soil and the wind. So, if your’e not careful, your hat will end up in South Platte, Nebraska. For me it is a beautiful drive along Highway 287. The wind blown rock formations. The antelope and soaring hawks and clumps of trees scattered here and there caused me to wander all over the road. Sometimes I think photographers should not be driving. So I had to stop and take a few images and left my hat in the car. The image below is taken near the main door of the convent and shows the surrounding hills and a bronze statue.

  • Sculpture

    It’s the Light

    Statue of Virgin Mary at Blessed John the 23rd Church

    “No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people’s eyes, to reveal the marvels around.” ― Paulo Coelho

    Having my daughter and two of my grandchildren living with me I find quiet time hard to come by. To solve that problem, and since it is the Lenten season, I’ve started going to a couple of churches nearby. One is a Catholic church called John the 23rd and within walking distance. Just behind the alter are two large figurines, one of Joseph and one of Mary. The late afternoon light was gorgeous as it beamed down on the statue of Mary. I hesitated to move forward and take a photo because I did not want to disturb those who were praying nor did I want to show any disrespect. But, that light was calling up black and white visions in my head so I walked forward to the altar, bowed in reverence, then walked around the statue, taking several images. The light was awesome.The moment was awesome. Moving. Once those images were given to me I knelt down with gratitude and enjoyed more quiet time: prayer, meditation and contemplation.