“In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.” ― Rollo May
While on a walk last week I ventured into St. Josephs Catholic Church. It was the time of day I like to visit when there few people. There was one man praying the Stations of the Cross, otherwise I had it to myslef. Churches are still a place in our city where I can find a place of quiet. Very little external noise finds it’s way in. I then use these places to sit and journal or meditate or read or all of them. Before going into the church I looked up and noticed the steeple against the sky. That’s one image.

Solitude has become an important part of my life. I enjoy it and need it. My condo is a place of solitude, a sanctuary, a way to distance myself from the busyness of the world. Please don’t think I’m a hermit because I need community, to have people actively in my life. I find community with family, friends, coffeehouses, bookstores and libraries and in nature.
I think many people attend church for weekend services and avoid weekdays. I am the opposite. I do not attend a church but spend time in church when most people are working. I go to churches for the quiet and solitude. And, I admit I am also seeking photo opportunities during these times, stirring my creativity and being open to a scene that can appear before me. I noticed the baptismal font and have a second image.