• grass,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  Plants,  poems,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes,  writing/reading

    A Bit More Snow

    Now through the white orchard my little dog
    romps, breaking the new snow
    with wild feet.
    Running here running there, excited,
    hardly able to stop, he leaps, he spins
    until the white snow is written upon
    in large, exuberant letters,
    a long sentence, expressing
    the pleasures of the body in this world.
    Oh, I could not have said it better

    The Storm by Mary Oliver

    Winter weather is the word for the day, receiving the 3-4 inches promised. It is loaded with moisture and making road conditions bad. It was 18 degrees at about 8:30 am and not expecting to be above 22 degrees. I call that cold and the perfect day to stay in and eat leftover vegetable soup, unless your Mary Oliver’s dog.

  • clouds,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    The Storm Approaches

    This morning's sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area
    Framing this morning’s sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area though the fence.

    clouds on horizon
    wind blows cold from the north
    snow storm approaches


    Winter storm warning has been issued. Snow begins later today and into the night with 3-6 inches accumulation. Watched a bank of clouds sit along the eastern horizon while clouds drifted from north to south filling in the open sky above me. The storm approaches.

  • clouds,  landscape,  moon

    Such is Nature

    The moon and clouds with a touch of pink taken from my front porch last night

    Yesterday afternoon the wind picked up and blew hard while I was at one of the natural area. Tree branches were scattered everywhere when I arrived at my condo. By the time the sun had set all was calm and peaceful. Such a contrast and such is nature. I sat on my porch and watched the clouds take on a pink hue as the moon danced in and out behind the them. Hoping you have a wonderful day!

  • flowers,  Plants,  poems

    The Storm Has Passed

    Salsify found at Pineridge Natural Area last week

    There is buried within us
    a beauty hidden so deep
    that we would think
    it would sleep forever.
    But there are those,
    whose eyes so luminous shine,
    they reflect upon our universe
    the light of the Divine. 

    Reflection by Edwina Gateley

    High winds began around 7:00 pm last night. About the time I went to bed we were experiencing lightning, thunder, rain and hail.  Made for a rather noisy night. This morning it is overcast, gusting winds and cold at 48 degrees. Does not feel close to what we’d expect of a June morning but the storm has passed.

    I sit here watching the trees sway with the wind. As clouds move east, patches of blue sky appear allowing the light of the sun to peek through clouds. I choose to see it as a promise of a brighter day.

    I have met people whom the poet is describing and what a difference they make in this world. They are the ones who shine their light when the darkness of the storm is all we see. I believe more people are shining that much needed Divine light in our world. So, I choose to see that as a promise this morning. Maybe the storm of our troubled world has passed over.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  trees

    After the Storm

    Passing Storm
    Passing Storm

    We had dark ominous clouds move through Fort Collins this past Wednesday afternoon. I drove to the east side of town near the Environmental Learning Center to watch the clouds, the lightening strikes and thunder. Yet, not one drop of rain as the storm headed south and east for the plains. They got plenty of rain. I love the show nature puts on. 

    Each day of life is a gift. However, today is a bit more more special as it is my parents 69th wedding anniversary. 🙂 I love you two!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  prairie

    Passing Storm

    Passing Storm
    Passing Storm

    When the restless, irritable, discontent feelings sweep over me I know it’s time to find some quiet. I can find that by driving out east and finding some country dirt road to walk along. I have found a spot just into Weld County near the intersection of County Rd 90 and County Rd 13. This is a large hill that looks out to the west and north into the lower valley. The Colorado Front Range will be in any image you bring home. There were a few small storms along the front range. This one is the to the north and there was one behind me to the south. Tom and Kathy will probably recognize this view as they have been there. I enjoyed the quiet here, listening only to the low grumbling of thunder associated with the storm.