My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.
Mary Oliver
On my way home from the coffee shop I noticed the white clouds drifting amid the darker storm clouds. I felt they were worth the effort for a drive up to Pineridge Natural Area and experience nature’s art. I stood there, soaking it all in. It’s been a quiet morning. May be the calm before the thunderstorms which are forecasted for later this afternoon. As I stood there I knew in my heart that if I was to make a gratitude list on a daily basis it would be easy to put clouds on that list. Happy Friday!! Next up is July. (I know I’ve posted this poem before but it’s good enough to post again, much like cloud photos.)
Watching storm clouds in the northwest from Riverbend Ponds
We go to prayer to be transfigured ourselves, to come to see the world as God sees the world, to practice the presence of God, to put on a heart of justice, of love, and of compassion for others. We go to become new of soul.
Joan Chittister
Several years ago when life was lifey my ex-wife and I went back to church. We joined this small home group where we met for seven weeks and went through some workbook. I shared in the first meeting that I had not prayed for over 20 years. One elderly woman asked if I had ever said, Oh God! In her mind’s eye that was a prayer. Thus I began to question my understanding of prayer. I’ve been searching ever since.
My concept of prayer when this happened was from my youth. I’ve since become aware of the need to uncover, discover and discard some of the teaching of my youth that no longer serve their purpose. And, that includes many areas of my life besides prayer. Prayer is such a personal journey for each of us and no two are the same. Seems the searching has altered my soul that I am unable to explain or comprehend.
Storm clouds are a reminder of how small we are in this world. They remind us that we’re not in charge. They also remind us that we can witness their gift by standing in awe of its power and beauty. But first we have to stop and look.
Cloud shelf along the eastern plains last Thursday provided me the opportunity to create a panorama image using four photos in Lightroom. A wide angle lens would be the better solution but this cheaper. Happy Monday!
The most interesting parts of the natural world are the edges, places where ocean meets land, meadow meets forest, timberline touches the heights.
Galen Rowell
I have been interested in horizons for many years and never really thought of them as edges, where a sky of clouds or stars meets the land, water, forests, prairie and those lovely song birds. Maybe the edges are the most interesting thing for me in my horizons. Could it be that is what the birds are singing about, those edges?
This morning we have no visible edges on the horizon. Nor are there any dramatic clouds as we had yesterday afternoon in the above image. Instead a fine mist and low clouds sits over Pineridge Natural Area, while the city is shrouded in mystery. Even without the sight of those edges we know of there existence and if we are courageous enough, venture towards them. What discoveries will we find? And those song birds continue to sing reminding us there are edges to discover, maybe even urging us on.
This was the scene this morning over Dixon Reservoir at Pineridge Natural area. Meadowlarks, magpies and robins excitedly sang as this new day began.
“… silence is one of the great victims of modern culture.”
John O’Donohue, Anam Cara
I mention silence quite often on this blog because it’s become an integral part of my life. So it isn’t surprising that the above quote has inspired me to write a few words on what it means to say silence is a victim of modern culture.
I’ve come to believe silence does not mean the absence of sounds or words. I’ve experienced silence in a church and in an open meadow that’s filled with the songs of birds, and even in the chaos of a busy coffee shop. For those who know only the world of sounds or words, silence can seem like an emptiness, uncomfortable, fearful and try to avoid it at any cost. More than one of my spiritual guides suggests that sounds and words have their source in silence. And when I allow myself to be open minded, I have to wonder if silence is something we carry within us, a gift we all are given at our very conception, begging us to embrace it. Maybe it’s something we experience in the ground of our very being. I’ve learned from my practice in quiet prayer, meditation and journaling, that I can have the capacity to detach from a chattering, talkative mind and embrace silence. It’s in these times I find the expansiveness of silence to be inexhaustibly rich. And, I therefore want more.
So, I’ve enjoyed contemplating this question that John O’Donohue asks because I know individuals who do not like silence. I will continue to ponder his statement because I’ve also wondered if silence has become a victim that’s been drowned out by a culture obsessed with man made noise, out of control busyness, consumerism and almost total separation from nature? Or, have we turned away from or forgotten the silence already within us? If either of those, or both, are true then we can easily reclaim our silence.
I apologize if my ramblings do not make sense but I’m going to push the publish button and send it out there. If you have thoughts to share please offer them and give us that insight. Hope you had a great day!
We have all heard the forlorn refrain “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!” This phrase has come to stand for the rueful reflection of an idiot, a sign of stupidity, but in fact we should appreciate it as a pillar of wisdom. Any being, any agent, who can truly say, “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!” is standing on the threshold of brilliance.
Daniel Dennett
The skies have been filled with clouds most of the day, beautiful colors, shapes, shades, patterns and textures. With all that beauty I made the decision to chase clouds this afternoon and evening. Some clouds had rain within them while those over the mountains had some snow in them. The forecast is to see snow develop in the mountains and along the Front Range about midnight and continue until early morning. It’s a pattern we could see the next couple of days.
Not sure about you but early in my youth I found myself saying, “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!” Maturity and the awareness to pause before making decisions, taking more thoughtful actions than reactions, has reduced the times I needed to say that. Please notice I said reduced! So, if we go with Dennetts quote then he’s suggesting I’m on the threshold of brilliance, even today. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend!
“Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”
Roy T. Bennett
All went well with my bone marrow biopsy yesterday. It was quick, simple and very little pain with it. This morning I’m a bit tender around the wound site but otherwise doing fine. I will be gentle and kind with myself today. Test results will take 7-10 days. This past week I did acquire another UTI so back on antibiotics, hoping it clears up before surgery. Everything seems to be a go for surgery on Tuesday the 14th. I feel at times I am in the midst of the storm. May I not lose hope.
This is an HDR image created in Lightroom Classic with three images at +/- one stop.