• natural areas,  snow,  trees

    Its Snowing

    Fisher Nature Trail
    Fisher Nature Trail

    I noticed clouds building up along the mountain ridges late yesterday afternoon. A good sign that the weatherman would be right this time on their forecast. I also noticed their forecast of not getting above freezing. Well, I awoke this morning to cold and snow. I think we have 5-6 inches of the blowing fine powder and sitting around 24 degrees. Roads are slick, schools are  closed, and I used the dogs and sled to get to the coffeehouse. The snow is suppose to stop in a couple hours and then get colder. Stay warm!

  • clouds,  landscape

    The Subtle Colors

    Clouds to the east
    Clouds Looking East

    Nature has a kicka$$ color palate. The warm soft colors it presents can warm me on the inside. And, at least for me, nature can create patterns that take the breath away.  And, it all changes on a constant basis. Nature lets me know I’m alive and well. I could not hear thunder but flashes of lightening let me know the power within nature.

    In the first image I’m standing in the “busy” road looking east and in the second image I’m standing in the road looking west. The roads are about 3 miles apart with the first image taken about 1 hour later than the second image after the sun had set.

  • clouds,  landscape

    Building Storm Clouds
    Building Storm Clouds over Fossil Creek Reservoir

    Colorado State University is having their graduations this weekend. Since I live only four blocks from campus I decided to vacate the area and avoid the traffic. I spent the earlier part of the day at the Fossil Creek Reservoir Nature Area. It is a massive area of almost 1,400 acres reserved for birds. You will find geese, eagles, grebes, hawks, ospreys, meadowlarks, robins and those cute little birds that dart everywhere. I walked to one of the viewing sites and just spent quiet time there. Later on in the afternoon I drove out east for more quiet and to have a grand  view of the mountains and our afternoon storm clouds. It’s been a good month for clouds. Each and every day we are given a new set of clouds to enjoy.

    The second image was farther east along a farmer’s field. You can see the rain falling as the system moves eastward.

    Rain Clouds
    Rain Clouds
  • clouds,  flowers,  mountains

    Storm Clouds

    Storm Clouds in the West
    Storm Clouds in the West

    The weatherman was right. They predicted thunderstorms for yesterday afternoon and sure enough clouds  built up in the west over the mountains. It began to rain along the foothills then moved out  out to the east. I took the above image at the Cathy Fromme Nature Area then drove out east in anticipation of some good clouds. But I watched the storm build up and obscure the mountains with a refreshing half inch rain. And the plants are loving it. It was all good and the weatherman was right.

    Blue Flowers
    Blue Flowers