• Plants

    Who takes the photo?

    Young Sunflower

    “I’ve got a camera that works. I actually have several cameras that work, and even the oldest ones are still better at taking photos than I am.”

    This quote is from a post by a photographer in Charlotte, NC, named Tom DIlls. And he is right. Paul Lester had a post about meeting up with Tom to talk about photography and do a bit of shooting. So, I checked out his webpage and his blog. Awesome stuff over there! I suggest checking out his work. And, if he hangs around Paul, you know he’s cool. 🙂

  • Plants



    While exploring on the eastern plains I found where some farmer planted a field of sunflowers, just for me. Since they went to all the trouble of planting these golden gems I figured I might as well take a few images. I stopped along the road and walked into the first row of these “head high” plants. A world within a world and an enjoyable world to enter. It’s interesting that the heads of these flowers, which face and mimic the sun, consist of 1,000-2,000 individual flowers joined together. Both images processed with Topaz Adjust.