• grass,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  Plants,  writing/reading

    Golden Light

    there’s a calm over the meadow
    feeling the warm rays of golden light
    illuminating the mountain brome

    nature creating abundant beauty
    and with gratitude rising within me
    start this new day on the bright side


    A late arrival to Pineridge Natural Area but just in time to catch the sun cresting the horizon. Followed quickly by a warm golden glow illuminating everything. I sat on the bench to journal but when nature provided this glow on the mountain brome, I had to pull out my camera. Have a great day!

  • landscape,  leaves,  Plants,  sunrises

    Go figure…

    I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.

    Joseph Campbell

    I probably drive 4 miles 4-5 mornings a week to be closer to nature, or at least distant from the noise of the city, and greet the morning sun. I usually take some photo as part of this morning routine. But one morning this past week I didn’t. However, when I got back to my condo I saw the sun peaking through the branches of this maple tree. I shot 5 images of the sun coming through the branches and 6 of the group of leaves that have already fallen. Interesting that the images as part of my morning routine were within 50 feet of my front door. Go figure.

  • quotes,  shadows,  sunrises,  window

    Morning Light

    “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

    Elie Wiesel

    As I walked into my bedroom the sun reflecting off the glass in the picture frame caught my eye. So, I grabbed my camera and composed this image. Another scene I was not looking for but given me. Morning light!

  • Black and White,  coffee life,  lifestyles,  Mary Oliver,  poems,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Another Poem

    Mocha latte after morning at a local natural area

    From one branch to another, or across the path,
    he dazzles with flight.
    Since I see him every morning, I have rewarded myself
    the pleasure of thinking that he knows me.
    Yet never once has he answered my nod.
    He seems, in fact, to find in me a kind of humor,
    I am so vast, uncertain and strange.
    I am the one who comes and goes,
    and who knows why.
    Will I ever understand him?
    Certainly he will never understand me, or the world
    I come from.
    For he will never sing for the kingdom of dollars.
    For he will never grow pockets in his gray wings.

    Mary Oliver

    This is the last part of a poem by Mary Oliver called Catbird. I relate to this part of the poem because I have experienced such moments with Goldfinches, Robins, and Chickadees. I especially like where she writes, “Since I see him every morning, I have rewarded myself the pleasure of thinking that he knows me.” Yes, I talk to birds!

    It is a cold fall morning with 43 degrees. I saw where Berthoud Pass had an overnight low of 18 degrees, so it’s actually warm here. After yesterday’s winds the cloudless skies are beautiful. This mornings full moon cast shadows across the meadow at the natural area. Now a mocha latte. Have an Awesome day!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    I Made a Good Choice

    After quiet time I usually check my weather app. This morning it told me it was 55 degrees with cloudy skies and possible rain. It is very easy for me to tell myself there is no need to go to the natural area because the cloudy skies will not offer a good image and believe that lie. Glad I did not listen to what I think I think I know but ventured out anyway. I was given these lovely clouds for going. I also was able to experience the soft gentle call of an owl from the ridge behind me, listen to mallards squawking on the reservoir as they made gentle v-shaped waves on the water and saw a couple of bats darting above me. I knew I’d made a good choice.

    I’ve been going up there for the past 18 months on a regular basis. It has become a part of my morning ritual. About six months ago I began to see a young lady who would come up maybe 4-5 times a week. She grabs a yoga mat then walks up Overlook Trail to greet the morning sunrise. We now wave to each other as we have become part of the natural area. This morning before she headed up the Overlook Trail I said good morning and let her know I could hear the owl somewhere on the ridge. Said she saw them yesterday morning and “who-hoo, who’d” back and forth with them. Yep, glad I didn’t listen to my thinking this morning.

  • animals,  landscape,  sunrises

    I’ll Take the Experience

    “This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity. Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday. Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibility.”

    Steve Maraboli

    In darkness I drove east of town to watch the sunrise and distance myself from the city noise: trash trucks, sirens, traffic, landscapers and others. I felt tired but felt the need to stay open to any possibilities the new day may bring. Joyfully I encountered a group of five antelope (pronghorn) along Weld County Road 90. They are always on alert and in my experience they normally quickly run, keeping plenty of distance. So, for them to not run away while keeping a watch on me, was different and provided this photo opportunity. Not the best image because I used a handheld telephoto lens, out the car window, with the car running. No matter, I’ll take the experience I was offered. The sky is still filled with the smoke and will be for the next few days. May you have a wonderful Thursday.

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