• clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises

    Life and Spirit of Landscape

    This morning’s sunrise over Dixon Reservoir at Pineridge Natural Area

    “Previously, during the Industrial Revolution, there was a raiding of the resources of the earth, but now there is the actual destruction of the physical earth itself. There is often a complete disjunction here between the religious outlook of people, which can be very pious, and their total blindness to the life and spirit of landscape.”

    John O’Donohue

    Interesting how we give names to much of our land as if it were a living presence having its own life and spirit. Yet, we can show almost no respect to its value of life, only the use of its resources. My prayer this morning is to live life by respecting, protecting, valuing all of creation.

  • coffee life,  journal,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    A nap is on the schedule

    Arrived a half hour before sunrise. No clouds to be seen but instead a dirty brown haze from the forest fires sits on the horizon. As I watch the bright orange globe break the horizon I realize we’ve not seen the high mountains in the west for several days now as they are shrouded in the haze. Hoping we will see them soon.

    My mind was active last night so it was a short night of sleep. I blame it on a caffeine and sugar intake about 2:00 pm and a mind that chased almost every thought with some commentary. A nap is on the schedule for today. 😁

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  sunrises

    Today is a New Day

    They are predicting poor air quality over the next few days as the smoke from the west coast fires are carried into our area. The eastern horizon has this brown haze to it and therefore the sun has an orange glow to it, so surreal. Today is a new day. A gift, even though we may not see it that way. May we live it to the best of our abilities.