• coffee life,  gratitude

    Full of Gratitude…

    I had my oral surgery today. I’m happy to say I’ve had almost no pain and eating soft foods has been a breeze. I remember almost none of the procedure. As usual with IV’s it took three stabs to get a vein. Just after that its a blank. When Larry and I got home he said something about them taking me to the car in a wheelchair. I don’t remember that at all! It’s been a long time since I had a blackout from my drinking days. 😂 They also prescribed me 4 small pills for pain called oxycodone to take every 6 hours. I’m following those instructions and will take the last one in the morning then be done with them. Oh, and since I did not have to have the sinus perforation closure done, the cost was about half. From the x rays, it looked like they may have been a sinus perforation to repair but once the tooth was removed all was good. 

    Old Town Mocha latte at Mugs taken a couple weeks ago

    This oral surgery experience is so different from the one I had over thirty years ago. I have to admit that because of that past experience, I experienced a couple days of anxiety. However, when I got up this morning and went through my routines, I had a calm about me. I will be taking antibiotics (Amoxicillin) three times a day for the next ten days. No coffee for a few days but I can still go to my coffee shops. It may be iced tea for a while. I’m full of gratitude this evening! Hope you had a good day!!!!!

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal

    Words for this Blog

    I find this coffee life I live to be an interesting way of observing people. Arriving just as they open is usually the quiet time, it’s easier to journal or read before the busyness that moves in an hour later and people watching increases. The din rises with conversations and laughter. I watch friends meet and exchange hugs. I watch as people stand in front of the brewed coffees and have to make that early morning decision of dark or light roast coffee. I hear the blender crunch away as someone’s smoothie is being made. The bicycle rack begins to fill up. I jot down notes of what I see in my journal, knowing they may be words for this blog.

    In the morning I will have a broken tooth surgically removed. I will probably be in some pain so don’t expect me respond to comments or read your blog until Saturday. Prayers and vibes to the universe are welcomed!

  • landscape,  mountains,  Plants,  seasons,  sunsets,  trees,  winter scenes

    Post Surgery Update

    A cold blue sunset back in February 2021

    Overcast skies dominate and it’s windy, definitely a bad hair day. Want to update my status after surgery. The TAVR procedure went well. They were done in just over an hour. Surgery started at 7:00 am and I was home about 5:00 pm. They fractured the original valve that was installed back in 2018 and inserted a new valve inside of that one. All done through the arteries. Amazing! My body seems to know nothing about a new aortic valve being installed. However, my groins are well aware of the three catheters invasive entry into my body, one in my wrist and one in each groin. I walk with pain, bent over like an old man, slow and deliberate, one foot in front of the other. Getting up and down from a chair is a slow process also. All tests done so far show the valve working perfectly and the gradient numbers of 40 we saw before surgery are now below 20. That tells us the heart is not working as hard pre surgery. I cannot say enough for the care I received from the medical staff and all the support and outreach from family and friends. Now comes the slow recovery process but this is nothing like I had with my open heart surgery four years ago. More to follow. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds

    Never Lose Hope

    “Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”

    Roy T. Bennett

    All went well with my bone marrow biopsy yesterday. It was quick, simple and very little pain with it. This morning I’m a bit tender around the wound site but otherwise doing fine. I will be gentle and kind with myself today. Test results will take 7-10 days. This past week I did acquire another UTI so back on antibiotics, hoping it clears up before surgery. Everything seems to be a go for surgery on Tuesday the 14th. I feel at times I am in the midst of the storm. May I not lose hope.

    This is an HDR image created in Lightroom Classic with three images at +/- one stop.

  • architecture,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  doors,  street photography

    Prayers and Thoughts are Welcomed

    Here is another update on my health and what the doctors have planned for me. To be honest I’m not all that excited about having to deal with these health issues. But as my friend Christina says, “Life gets Lifey.” The next few days will be a busy time for me. I have a pre-op meeting/testing on Tuesday the 7th giving me instructions on preparation for surgery and what to expect. Then Thursday morning the 9th will be my final iron infusion. So far none of the infusions have had any side effects. The iron infusions are bringing my blood count numbers up except for the platelets which seem to fluctuate but in a downward direction. Because of the low platelet numbers they will be doing a bone marrow biopsy on Friday the 10th at MCR in their effort to discover what’s going on. On Monday the 13th I will be given another infusion, this one with platelets to bring the platelet numbers up. Its purpose is to prepare me for the VIV TAVR (Valve-in-Valve Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement) procedure/surgery scheduled for the next morning, Tuesday the 14th. Hopefully everything goes well and I will see an improvement in my anemia and the malfunctioning aortic valve. Prayers and thoughts are welcomed.

    The image is from a road trip I made back in 2013. This was taken at a coffee shop in Cortez, Colorado, called the Spruce Tree Espresso house. It changed its name to Bean Tree Coffee House and is now closed. I found the door inviting and led out onto a large outdoor patio area. I think it would be interesting to revisit these coffee shops, if they are still open, and see how they have changed, or not.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops

    We Have a Decision

    As I walked into Starry Night Espresso Cafe this morning I realized I was the only male among about 10 women. I could tell there were some good conversations all around me, the din was up and a few hands were waving in the air in an attempt to help in each conversation. I had to ask Chelsea if I was allowed in there or was it a girls only Saturday. She laughed then made up this mocha latte for me showing her skill in latte art. By the time I left an hour and a half later there was standing room only. Don’t know that I’ve seen it that busy as the baristas were bustin butt making drinks and food. When I return from that busy morning at the coffee shop there was an added sense of quiet and appreciation in my condo.

    Had my meeting with the TAVR surgeon on Friday and we will be doing a VIV TAVR procedure on March 14th. This will be a less invasive option to open heart surgery where they will insert a catheter in my artery at my groin up to my heart then expand the new valve inside the valve installed four years ago. Glad I have a decision made and consensus that we all agree on.

  • fog,  landscape,  Plants,  trees


    The Cottonwoods on Stuart Street a week ago

    The true purpose of art then is to expand our consciousness, enlarge our perspective, and evolve our understanding of the world and others. And, as consciousness transforms through making and viewing art, so do our actions and interactions with life leading to greater empathy, justice, and enlightened decision-making.

    David Ulrich

    Have pretty good news after my appointment with hematologist yesterday. The JAK2 test they did was looking for mutation in the bone marrow cells. They were all negative. So no bone marrow cancer! The doctor thinks I might be iron deficient and the bone marrow is just not able to keep up with cell production due to lack of “building material.” So he’s going to try giving me a couple treatments of iron viA IV. If that’s the core issue we should see positive results in a couple weeks. Very low risk with the procedure and minor side effects of low energy and achy for a day or so. I also have an angiogram on the 13th then meet surgeons on the 15th. We will discuss the possibility for another valve replacement which would include a root enlargement to fit a larger valve. And, Happy American Heart Month.

  • poems,  poetry

    Squirrel of Worry

    Sometimes when things are going well,
    the daredevil squirrel of worry
    suddenly leaps from the back of my head
    to the feeder, swings by his paws
    and clambers up, twitching his question mark tail.
    And though I try the recommended baffles —
    tin cone of meditation, greased pipe
    of positive thought — every sunflower seed
    in this life is his if he wants it.

    Ted Kooser, Winter Morning Walks, page 48

    Well, I did not receive the news I wanted to hear from my cardiologist yesterday. The valve is in the severe stage and something needs to be done. The valve that was replaced 4 years ago is, in the doctor’s opinion, too small for my body which is why it failed so early. An echocardiogram 1 month post TAVR echo shows elevated MG of 26mmHg and Vmax of 3.27m/s, consistent with PPM. Which in doctor speak says the valve is already struggling. So, they are recommending I meet with a cardiothoracic surgeon for a possible SAVR (open heart surgery again) with a root enlargement, making that opening larger to accommodate a larger replacement valve. I have an Left Heart Cath set for Feb 13th then meet with the surgeon on the 15th. If the cardiothoracic surgeon does not think I’m a good candidate for whatever reason, the groin procedure is still an option but they’d still be looking at a valve that is too small. Not what I want. My next appointment is with the Hematologist to look at my low Platelet numbers. They say I’m thrombocytopenia.

    Again, it’s not the news I wanted but it’s what I have. Another opportunity to live in the present moment by keeping an eye on my feet and wiggling my toes.

    About the image and poem by Ted Kooser. I’ve encountered this squirrel of worry throughout my life and in the past 4 weeks it has been quite busy. I must admit all my worries are based in fear (False Evidence Appearing Real). I do my best to face these worries as part of life by finding quiet time, practicing prayer and meditation, spending time in nature and reaching out to a listening ear or being that listening ear. Avoiding my fears or denying them has never been a solution. Hoping you’re having a great Wednesday!