• Plants,  snow,  winter scenes

    Art All Around

    Patterns of Snow and Plants
    Patterns of Snow and Plants

    One of the pleasures in life is walking my camera. Unlike walking a dog there is nothing to pick up in a bag to take home. Hopefully, what I bring home are images.

    I remember when I walked to walk, my focus was to get somewhere and my mind would wander all over the place. I now experience a different walk. I take care to slow down, breathe and do my best to keep myself present. Walking can be more enjoyable when I take in everything around me. I’ve become more aware of the art that surrounds me! But, along with seeing the art of nature, I am filled with questions as to the reason for this art. What is its function in creation? In the image above I ask myself, “Why is there a mound of snow at the base of each plant stem?” I walk by this scene almost daily so when the snow melts I’m going to look closer to see if there are leaves or something at the base of these plants.

    Oak Leaves in the Snow
    Oak Leaves in the Snow

    If you notice these leaves have fallen since the snowfall. There is some melting of the snow around the leaves, which indicates to me the leaves are at a warmer temperature. Maybe?