• clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  silence,  sunsets

    Stocked with chocolate…

    Colorado sunset – March 2020

    If we listen from the mind of silence, every birdsong and every whispering of the pine branches in the wind will speak to us.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    I had an enjoyable bicycle ride to coffee but had to face a stiff wind on the way home as a cold front moves in. Snow expected later today and into the night with frigid temperatures over the next few day. Looks very similar to the whole nations forecast. Stay warm, stock the fire and enjoy the weekend. And, make sure your stocked with chocolate!

    And today is special because my dad is celebrating his 96th birthday!! I love you! ❤️

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    Watching the Changes

    Predawn at Pineridge Natural Area – 28 sec at f 22.0 and ISO 200

    It is not impermanence that makes us suffer. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not. We need to learn to appreciate the value of impermanence.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    Nature is a good teacher of about impermanence. If we watch closely nature is always in flux. In this scene the movement of the clouds is blurred during a 28 second exposure. Yet, as we stand and observe this scene we are not necessarily aware of the subtle changes with them. I now enjoy taking the time to watch the changes as they happen. I took a total of eight images from this same spot and each one is subtly different. Photography has and is helping me learn to appreciate the value of impermanence. It looks like much of the nation is dealing with wintry weather. So stay warm, be safe!

  • coffee life,  quotes

    I’m spoiled…

    We are our thoughts; but we are at the same time much more than just our thoughts. We are also our feelings, our perceptions, our wisdom, our happiness and our love.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    It was a cold bicycle ride this morning to the coffee shop. The high humidity made it sink deep within. Yet a beautiful fog had moved in and I saw a half dozen snowflakes in my headlight. Snow is predicted for this afternoon. My barista was Meg. She greeted me with her beautiful smile and made me an Old Town Mocha (see above.) Life is good! There is no doubt, I’m spoiled! Stay warm.

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises

    Surrounded by Pink

    “The quality of our being is the basis of all our actions…The quality of our presence is the most positive element that we can contribute to the world.”

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    This morning’s ride to coffee found me surrounded by pink. This is looking west across the intramural fields on CSU campus just before sunrise. So glad I was present and stopped. The Old Town Mocha I had later was just what I needed to warm up.

  • flowers,  quotes

    Present Here and Now

    Snow topped tulips from March 2024

    When we focus our attention on our breath,
    we find out very quickly that we are a living reality,
    present here and now,
    sitting on this beautiful planet Earth.

    Thich Nhat Hanh
  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    Letting go

    Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    I had a peaceful quiet time at home then things went downhill… When I arrived at Pineridge Natural Area there was a car sitting crossways into the area entrance. It was a young couple there to watch the predawn and sunrise, and couldn’t blame them. However, they did not move so to get in I needed to go around. There was enough room but it meant I would need to drive at the edge of the road and through a couple of potholes created during our last rain. It was all manageable. A half hour later as I left for the coffee shop they were still sitting there and the car was still running. First resentment I needed to let go of! Driving to the coffee shop someone in a new Audi wanted me to get to the coffee shop quicker than I wanted, so I let them go around me. They were sitting there waiting for me at the stoplight. Second resentment I needed to let go of! When I arrived at the coffee shop my laptop would not allow me to reach my website, however my phone could. Technology had me flustered again. Third resentment I needed to let go of. I looked at my watch, it was only 8:21 am. Sigh! On the positive side, we are expecting some much needed rain today. And, with the purpose of being a student of life and desiring to live with freedom, it seems to be starting out as a day for teaching me lessons on letting go. I did enjoy the predawn colors at the natural area (once I got in). Have a wonderful Friday!!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises,  winter scenes

    It’s a Miracle

    Predawn light over Dixon Reservoir

    To be alive and walk on the Earth is a miracle, and yet most of us are running as if there was some better place to get to. There is beauty calling to us every day, every hour, but we are rarely in a position to listen.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    I can easily find myself running, sometimes unaware of the direction I’m running. Often times it’s driven by fear, worry, fatigue, anger, running late, and not surprisingly, influenced by our highly driven society. I have a few of ways to slow down. One is to journal. Another is time in nature. Prayer and meditation time is another. As I think about that I realize they allow me to see more of the beauty in this world. Enjoy your Monday!