• coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Light is our paint brush

    The greatest tool at our command is the very thing that is photography. Light. Light is our paint brush and it is a most willing tool in the hands of the one who studies it with a sufficient care.

    Laura Gilpin

    Sometimes it all comes together and sometimes it don’t. Maybe the latte art is almost perfect and maybe the latte taste is almost perfect. But maybe the two coming together is what makes it perfect. It is overcast this morning with low clouds and high humidity so a latte is the main focus for this Friday.

    In reference to the quote, I do know after a fews years exploring photography, taking a lot of lousy photos, even disgusting photos, that light is so important to my photography. I know that today would be a great day for portraits with all this diffused light. Sure not a morning for a bright shiny sunrise.

    Have a celebration of life for a friend tomorrow who died a week ago at way too young of an age. She had a difficult life and I will miss her. May you have a wonderful weekend and find some good light to paint with! 🤗

  • Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  coffee shops,  People/Portraits

    These Tools

    My camera is a tool to capture moments of time, like someone enjoying morning coffee. My journal is a tool to slow down the chatter of the mind, a diary of the days events and an ongoing letter to the Divine. My books are a tool that provide seeds, where words take root within the soul. Prayer and contemplation are tools that allows me to stay quiet, resting in the Presence. These tools help in the transformation of the way I see and live in the world. And, I guess you can say coffee shops and mocha lattes are a tool. What are some of your tools?
  • flowers,  musings,  Plants,  writing/reading

    Life Changing

    Tulips on Campus
    Tulips on Campus

    Fifteen years ago I had two life changing events occur in my life: one was provided in a 12 Step Recovery program and the other was purchasing my first digital camera. I purchased a Nikon D100 in October of 2002 and I stopped drinking in January 2003. Life changing because both have given me tools to begin to see myself, people, institutions, and all of creation when properly using these tools. I am grateful for both of these tools.