• Metro Parks,  quotes,  snow,  trees

    Our Individuality

    A morning walk after a light snowfall at Blendon Woods (Ohio) – 2009

    “Really all we have to offer the world is the gift of our individuality. We can never be just like any other person. Our journey through life is an extremely personal contribution to the work of being human.”

    Jane Reichhold

    It’s Christmas Eve. Weather app suggested snow overnight but we awoke to overcast skies and a cold north wind but no snow. After my quiet-time I made my way to Mugs in Old Town for some journaling and a mocha. Met a young woman who is an artist and storyteller. I truly do like her work and the idea of storytelling. Her website is called Twelve Little Tales. Faye you may want to checkout some of her watercolors.

    What struck me about her was the passion she had for her art, and storytelling, and her energy to offer her gifts to the world. She epitomizes what Jane Reichhold says in her quote. She illustrates the individuality we are all given, our passion, that spark to create and give to this world. I found it exciting! When we choose to not be like other people and are able to let go of the voices of society attempting to tell us what and who are, let go of our self-doubts and fears, we find the gift of our individuality. Thank you Marna for sharing your gifts!

    The above image was taken in 2009 while I was living briefly in Columbus, Ohio. I was blessed to live near a wonderful area that was a part of the Metro Parks in Columbus called Blendon Woods. Hoping you all have a wonderful Christmas with family!!! 🌲 🎅 Not sure about you but it’s now time to binge on food.

  • Mary Oliver,  Metro Parks,  quotes

    That Slow Seduction

    Blendon Woods – May 2009

    I could not be a poet without the natural world. Someone else could. But not me. For me the door to the woods is the door to the temple.

    Mary Oliver

    I’m rather new to poetry, in both reading and writing. Primarily because I did not understand it, nor did I put the effort into learning what it was about and what it could teach me. It just wasn’t time yet in my life. Now it is. Some of that slow seduction could be spending more quality time in the natural world, or as Mary suggests the temple. I like how Maria Popova says it here. Having said that I want to thank all of you who read and maybe even understand my attempts at writing poetry. But not today!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  natural areas,  quotes

    A Lover of Nature

    The Native Americans, whose wisdom Thoreau admired, regarded the Earth itself as a sacred source of energy. To stretch out on it brought repose, to sit on the ground ensured greater wisdom in councils, to walk in contact with its gravity gave strength and endurance. The Earth was an inexhaustible well of strength: because it was the original Mother, the feeder, but also because it enclosed in its bosom all the dead ancestors. It was the element in which transmission took place. Thus, instead of stretching their hands skyward to implore the mercy of celestial divinities, American Indians preferred to walk barefoot on the Earth: The Lakota was a true Naturist – a lover of Nature. 

    Frédéric Gros

    As winter approaches and the temperatures become colder, I spend less time in nature. It seems now that on dark predawn mornings warm blankets are a womb I reluctantly want to leave. Maybe it’s old age. Maybe it’s poor circulation. Maybe it’s attitude. Sometimes I tell myself it’s time for someone else to brave a cold morning with camera and tripod in nature. But, I know that my spiritual life includes time in nature so I will still brave those cold mornings and evenings for those divine moments with Mother Earth. I will walk in contact with her and walk in prayer!

  • clouds,  Humor,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  quotes,  sunsets,  trees

    Pork and Beans

    The bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created. Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon.

    Bill Strickland

    This image was taken near one of the parking lots along the bike path that follows the Poudre River. Most of this path is paved and is widely used by the residents of Fort Collins for walking and bicycling. It matters not what time of the day, there is always someone riding the path. The city of Fort Collins is bike friendly and is committed to them. We see a lot of commuters and being a college town it is also used a lot by students. This path also connects to the Poudre Trail Corridor that goes all the way into Weld county. It also now connects the cities of Loveland and Fort Collins. Something within me knows I need to be on a bicycle more than I am. If the above quote is correct, I could eat more pork and beans, maybe moving that number up to 3,500 miles per gallon. Just saying!

  • natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area


    My time in Phoenix with my mother and then the 8 hour drive to Texas and back, was far more sedentary than I realized. I did not get in the steps like I needed so need to get back into a routine again. I’m sure more walking will increase also with the coming of cooler fall temperatures.

    After a burst of lightning in Colorado over the past 48 hours aircraft from Colorado Fire Prevention and Control have spotted 37 small fires. We only have a couple that are of concern but the smoke is having a negative impact on our air quality. We will be dry and warm today with moisture arriving on Wednesday.

    I received word yesterday afternoon that my dad and brother-in-law have tested positive for COVID-19. Both are tired and have little energy. My sister Marcee tested negative and my sister Sheree will test today. I’m scheduled for testing Thursday morning. Life is topsy-turvy right now. 😍

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds


    Storm clouds in the south

    I enjoy the walking trail at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area because it is reasonably flat, has wide open vistas, lots of songbirds and healing silence. When I get to my rock-bench I usually find the silence I’m seeking. And, the silence I’m seeking is absence of manmade noise. I can sit there for 15 minutes with only the sounds of nature reaching my ears, which is music to my soul. Last Friday evening was one of those ever-so-silent times. Loved it. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July.

  • landscape,  Plants,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    A Dusting of Snow

    Awoke to overcast skies and a dusting of snow this cold Sunday morning. I watched this man walk the snowwhite trail while his dog roamed everywhere except the trail or at least as far as the leash would allow. I do believe the dog was enjoying the snow more than the man. Now back home where it’s a bit warmer and enjoying a two-egg scramble for breakfast.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  sunsets


    An late afternoon walk at Arapaho Bend Natural Area in 2017

    by David Whyte

    if you move carefully
    through the forest,
    like the ones
    in the old stories,
    who could cross
    a shimmering bed of leaves
    without a sound,
    you come to a place
    whose only task
    is to trouble you
    with tiny
    but frightening requests,
    conceived out of nowhere
    but in this place
    beginning to lead everywhere.
    Requests to stop what
    you are doing right now,
    to stop what you
    are becoming
    while you do it,
    that can make
    or unmake
    a life,
    that have patiently
    waited for you,
    that have no right
    to go away.