• clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  poems,  poetry,  storm clouds

    The voices of the rain…

    “I close my eyes and listen to the voices of the rain.”

    Robin Wall Kimmerer

    The wind blows in my face. Mesmerized, I watch, listen and accept the day’s gift from nature. I am privileged and grateful to have this front row seat. I watch the sun’s rays break through clouds, reaching down and touching the earth. I watch rain fall from the dark ominous clouds releasing their gift that nourishes the land. I watch the wind constantly reshaping the clouds, carrying them along the mountains. I watch the grass dancing excitedly in the wind in front of me. I am too far away to hear the voices of the rain but I do close my eyes and listen to the voice of the wind, urging me to dance with the grass. How can I not be filled with awe and wonder, holding them tightly on this Earth Day 2024.

    A Prayer on Earth Day 2024 

    We give thanks for Your gifts of awe, wonder and beauty.
    For Your voice heard in the winds of each season,
    the meadowlark’s song, the rumble of thunderstorms,
    the undulations of the ocean’s waves,
    the silence heard in a spring snowstorm,
    and especially for the fruits of Your bounty
    that sustains all of life.

    May we always be aware there are no political solutions
    to our spiritual problem of indifference and the abuse we cause.
    But may we know we are chosen stewards,
    whose task it is to live in harmony with all of creation.

    May we live every day in celebration and gratitude of life! 
    May we allow You to transform us in the very ground of our being.
    And, may the Great Mystery of all life fill us with love.


  • leaves,  quotes

    The Constance of Change

    “A self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living,”

    Virginia Woolf

    Not many people enjoy changes. In fact some of us will fight against change. Yet, I’ve found change is where transformation takes place in our lives. I don’t ask for changes in my life because they can be difficult to move through but they are the only constant in my life. If I want transformation in my life then I must accept changing as part of that. It is cold this morning as it seems to be in most of the US. Enjoy your day and stay warm!

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    A Grateful Heart

    “Union with God is not something that needs acquired but realized.”

    Martin Laird

    It has been overcast and cold all day. After quiet time and a bowl of cereal I took the bus and walked to Mugs for my mocha which helps me get in my steps and exercise. I was greeted with a big smile from my barista, Jess. Met with high school classmates for our monthly lunch today then met with a friend at 1:45 pm at my place. Had a wonderful phone call with Duane after that. And, maybe snow later tonight.

    I have been reading from a few new authors, and enjoying them, as well as rereading some books. I’ve found it true that we never read the same book twice. And, now that the colder weather is here I will probably be reading more. I have a couple more books coming from new authors which I really am excited to read.

    As I look at this image I realize that it depicts how I’m living my life now. It includes my coffee life, my journaling, my reading and in the background, my camera. The coffee life provides a social outlet for me, time with friends and making new friends. It is not just about the mocha latte, although that’s an important part of it. Journaling is my way of documenting what is unfolding in my day, to continue to ask deep questions, and enjoy the pleasure of writing with fountain pens. It is also a letter to myself and the union with the Divine within me, what Meister Eckhart calls the Ground of my Being. And, I see books as seeds of discovery that hopefully take root and bring transformation within me so that I can become all that I was created to be. The hidden part of my life that is not seen in this image is my camera. It is through photography that I have come to see the world with the photographer’s eye, while accepting all the gifts of living this life. And, finally the essence of this image depicts some of the tools I use on this Spiritual Path I’m walking. Yes, I have a grateful heart this evening. Stay warm!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  Food,  fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  writing/reading

    Spiritual Adventure

    I read a statement by Ilia Delio that says, “We are not called to maintain the existing order but to engage disorder as it lingers on the edge of new order.” Somehow that resonates with me. Seems nature is that way. Instead of accepting the chaos that is a part of my life, I want and try to keep things in order. Which doesn’t happen. What many consider chaos in nature is really the change, growth, transformation, metamorphosis, where something new is arriving. At the present I’m living with a certain level of anxiety, uncertainty, and doing my best to embrace faith, trust, hope, acceptance and even surrender. Let’s call it living this spiritual adventure.

    It has been overcast all day. The eclair in the above image is called an almond apricot eclair. I’ve never had one before today. It has an almond cream filling with apricot preserves over the top. Not as rich as I expected but had that sweetness that excited my taste buds. I will probably need to collect more data for my final analysis. Hope you had a good weekend! Stay warm!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    This Simple Prayer

    Sunrise over Dixon Reservoir at Pineridge Natural Area – June 2022

    I want to end this year of blogging with an image from this past year that depicts where I took my camera on a regular basis. My focus over the past year was spending time in the natural areas and coffee shops with my journals and camera. This connection with nature and people has been invaluable for me.

    This year’s end has brought me unexpected challenges for my physical and emotional healing that needs to be met in this coming year. Seems much of our world is in a similar crisis, facing challenges for its own healing. I believe we must fundamentally reconnect to a God of our understanding, to nature, to one another, and ourselves for any healing. Seems many in my circles, young and old, are awakening to this reality. I also hope many will awaken to the reality that we are created out of love to be love. So, I’m moving into the new year with a thin thread of hope that all will be well! Hope just may be the key in transforming our world. Each sunrise offers a new day, a new beginning, a promise of hope, and an opportunity of living a life of love. Maybe the world needs to begin more days witnessing the new sunrise and contemplating their connection to creation. 

    I’ll end with this simple prayer: May we live a life of serenity, courage, wisdom, strength, compassion, healing, love, the help of family and friends in facing the reality of life. I love you!

    I hope you have a wonderful coming year full of good health, family time and sunrises. Happy New Year!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    A Psychic Change

    Ominous clouds at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    “I used to think the top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address these problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation, and we scientists don’t know how to do that

    James Gustave (Gus) Speth

    This is one of my favorite places to sit in quiet and journal. It is at the south end of Reservoir Ridge Natural Area and is about a mile from Overland Trail road. So, with the trees between me and the road there is virtually no traffic noise, just the music of nature. Directly behind me is beautiful Claymore Lake and the trailheads off to my right. I’m posting this quote because I believe he is spot on. Our environmental problems will only happen when a psychic change occurs. Because there are some people deeply rooted in selfishness, greed and apathy, who will look at this scene and not see an open meadow untouched by a plow, but they will see an object for exploitation, not a living, breathing ecosystem.

  • clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  poems,  poetry,  sunrises

    It’s about…

    The Journey
    One day you finally knew
    what you had to do, and began,
    though the voices around you
    kept shouting
    their bad advice –
    though the whole house
    began to tremble
    and you felt the old tug
    at your ankles.
    “Mend my life!”
    each voice cried.
    But you didn’t stop.
    You knew what you had to do,
    though the wind pried
    with its stiff fingers
    at the very foundations,
    though their melancholy
    was terrible.
    It was already late
    enough, and a wild night,
    and the road full of fallen
    branches and stones.
    But little by little,
    as you left their voices behind,
    the stars began to burn
    through the sheets of clouds,
    and there was a new voice
    which you slowly
    recognized as your own,
    that kept you company
    as you strode deeper and deeper
    into the world,
    determined to do
    the only thing you could do –
    determined to save
    the only life you could save.

    Mary Oliver, from Dream Work

    I usually read one or two of Mary Oliver’s poems when I go to bed. This poem called The Journey, kept me awake the other night so maybe I need to rethink that routine. Anyway, the poem rocked me because it’s asking questions that I’m still asking myself at 72 years of age. It’s about transformation of an inner journey. So, it is asking if I’m willing to take all the risks involved, if I dare listen to the voice within, to face a death of some kind, to let go to something I’ve outgrown and the birth of a new self. It’s about learning to trust myself, about leaving the bad advice and demands of other people behind and even the voice of my own insecure egoic self, and to follow my own instincts, my own path in life. What does it say to you?

    Today is my 72 birthday. I will most likely spend some time with my feathered friends at one of the natural areas, have a mocha or chai, get in some reading and journaling time. Basically, I’ll continue to spoil myself, even at this age.

  • Avian,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Saving the world…

    Red-tail Hawk soaring above Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for? Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.

    Lao Tzu, 4th-6th century BCE

    Seems we were not being very good guardians of the world even back then. However his solution is quite simple: work on our own self-awareness, offering the greatest gift we have.