My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Walked to a coffeehouse last week to meet a friend for a cup of coffee and their breakfast enchiladas. The temperature was somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees (F). I am still surprised how many people in Fort Collins ride bicycles in all sorts of weather. They just gear up for whatever nature brings on. I’m actually envious of their commitment to riding.
Seems the ride of choice in retirement communities isn’t a Lincoln or a Cadillac. It’s a golf cart. If the garage door is open you will see a nice car sitting next to a golf cart. The speed limit in the retirement community is 25 except on the four main roads, which is 40. Most people drive under the 25 mph because they are in their golf carts. Almost every morning on my walk I encounter someone heading for their tee-time, a tennis match, Bocce ball game, Pickle-ball game or meet someone for coffee. And, a smile crosses my face when I see the unusual amount of dogs sitting on the passenger seat.
And, some of these carts are pretty tricked out. If you look at this one it is not even setup for golfing as there is no place for golf clubs. This baby is for the streets.
I have been using the city’s bus system to save fuel and because it can offer interesting photo opportunities. The city also offers seniors a discount at $25 for a year of unlimited rides. I bought one and plan to use it. I don’t think it takes any longer unless I need to change busses. And, now that I’m not needing to get to the office by 8:00 I can just mosey along.
Today is also my youngest daughters birthday. So, Happy Birthday, Monica!