“I go and get the camera and do it. Photography is a medium in which if you don’t do it then, very often you don’t do it at all, because it doesn’t happen twice. A rock will probably always be more or less there juts the way you saw it yesterday. But other things change, they’re not always there the day after or the week after. Either you do it or you don’t. Certainly with things as changeable as shy and landscape with moving clouds and so on, if they look wonderful to you on a certain day and if you don’t do it then, you may never see them again for the rest of your life. So as a photographer you become very conscious – at least I do – that everything is in movement.” -Paul Strand
Time on Earth
The day started as I walked from my apartment to my car and made the half hour drive to the employee parking lot. I then jumped on a bus which took me to the airport. We only had one flight for the day, ending our day in Omaha by mid morning. Our van driver informed us they were having an arts festival in the Market Area, so after changing clothes I grabbed my camera and headed that way. There were plenty of booths with artist selling their wares, and some really nice work, and of course plenty of food. I walked it twice and took several photos, visited with some of the artists and enjoyed the music by a group called Brule.
After returning to my room I felt uneasy, with wandering thoughts and unable to focus. Restless, I felt the need to get out of the hotel, so more walking. Around the corner of our hotel is a sculpture park and that was the direction I headed. The sun was setting, casting long shadows as I found an open grassy area and sat down to take in the last of the days sun. It was at this time I realized I had not physically touched the earth since yesterday. With all the business of the day I realized I had been isolated me from the earth, always separated by a sidewalk, the pavement, a bus, the airport, the hotel. As I sat on that grassy area. everything in my soul again found rest, a little more serenity. I’m one of those people who really needs to spend more time on this earth.
Snow Along the Front Range
We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can’t speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees.
— Qwatsinas (Hereditary Chief Edward Moody), Nuxalk Nation -
Just Before Sunrise
On the southeast edge of the city of Fort Collins is a nature area called Fossil Creek Reservoir Region Open Space. This open space is designated an “Important Bird Area” by the National Audubon Society. It provides crucial habitat to bald eagles (in the winter) and other types of raptors, and many species of shorebirds, songbirds, and waterfowl. Just inside the gate to this area is the above tree sitting in complete solitude with nature. This tree stands as a sentinel just inside the gate area. I have always been called by this tree even before they purchased the land and developed the open space. It’s roots are set at the highest point in the area. The land surrounding this tree was once farmland has been restored to natural grasslands. The tree provides a favorite perching place for raptors. In fact, when I arrived this particular morning an owl was perched high in the branches. But before I could get setup the owl made a dive into the grass, stayed on the ground for about 15 seconds then lifted off and headed north with breakfast in hand.
Leaning Tree
It feels strange and awkward to sit here in front of my laptop with an intent to write. I’ve just not had any inclination to post thoughts, ideas or images. The desire to log on to anything just hasn’t has not been there so the computer has sat dormant a lot. This has been good as I’ve felt controlled by the need to post, write and all of your blogs. Forcing myself will not cut the mustard.
I have been on the go a lot lately. Seems like I come home do my laundry then always pack my clean underwear back in my roller-board for the next trip. Never use my dresser any more. The reality is I have not had a dresser since I moved back out here.
Anyway here is a shot from our hotel in San Francisco looking out over the Bay. You can faintly see an airplane coming in for a landing where the horizon meets the leaning tree.
The Carpets Gone
Almost a month ago I posted and image of these same trees where the leaves were bright gold and in the early stages of their gravitational fall to create a carpet on the ground. Within nature this process is part of the cycle of life: the leaves fall for decomposition to prepare the soil for next years growth and provide nutrients for small organisms, a world we seldom see. Three weeks later I happen to be driving by these same trees and was surprised at how quickly things changed. Not only are the trees barren of their leaves but the tree owner has raked up the carpet of leaves. I must admit to being a bit sad. In my mind I envisioned the leaves stuffed in large plastic bags hauled off to the local dump. I calmed myself by admitting those leaves may be in some compost pile and will fulfill their cycle of life.
Wally B. McNutt
Wanted to introduce you to Wally B. McNutt. He lives in my sisters back yard and is a Walnut tree. Sort of a quite fellow but seems quite comfortable where he’s at. My sister is putting a lot of time and work into creating a wonderful haven at her home. She has some wonderful ideas/dreams and is moving forward to make them come true. It is so enjoyable to be in the backyard to see the beauty of the flowers, leave the sounds of the world behind and listen to the birds and bees.