When we focus our attention on our breath,
Thich Nhat Hanh
we find out very quickly that we are a living reality,
present here and now,
sitting on this beautiful planet Earth.
The Deep Call Within
The mystery and magic of being an individual is to live life in response to the deep call within, the call to become who we were dreamed to be.
John O’DonohueAnother 90 degree day in Colorado. This quote is an invitation for some deep philosophical commentary but I can’t seem to find the words. So, I’ll just share with you that my lab tests came back negative and I’m not pregnant!! 😂 Next colonoscopy in 5 years. Stay cool!!!
Nature’s Love Gift
petals shyly open
in the suns early light
nature’s love gift -
teaching stillness…
“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.”
Eckhart Tolle -
Springtime in Colorado
Welcome to springtime in Colorado as we awoke to another dusting of snow. I cleaned off about 2 inches from my car, heavy and wet stuff. Perfect snow for snowball fights or making a snowman. I find these snowfalls to be a beautiful experience. I watched big moisture laden snowflakes quietly drift through the air, doing what snowflakes are meant to do. Love the silence they bring!
The roads were clear so I could meet Eric for coffee in Windsor. When I came back into town I stopped at the CSU Experimental gardens, knowing I could find a couple of photo opportunities. All the tulips were closed and snuggled in a blanket of snow. Since it’s just above freezing these tulips will most likely survive to show us more of their beauty in a day or so. Will meet friends later for dinner. Enjoy your Saturday!
Unopened Gift
pointing skyward
warm colors of new life
unopened giftFound this tulip among its siblings outside the coffee shop. They were a gift that made the start to my day brighter. Then… I enjoyed my mocha.
Grateful for …
“And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our own feet, and learn to be at home.” Wendell Berry
Just as nature and a spiritual life have become important to me so have words, words I read, hear, and write. Grateful for words!
It is a nice spring day so thought I’d post this springlike image. Grateful for spring! The college does a wonderful job of planting tulips all over the campus. Grateful for tulips!