• poems,  poetry,  shadows

    Looking For Me

    I have been sitting here resting
    after my morning stroll, and the sun
    in its soft yellow work gloves
    has come in through the window
    and is feeling around on the opposite wall
    looking for me, having seen me
    cheerfully walking along the road
    just as it rose, having followed me home
    to see what I have to be happy about.

    Ted Kooser, Winter Morning Walks

    Another bitter cold morning at -8 degrees. However, the forecast is promising. I’m liking Kooser’s poetry in this new book called Winter Morning Walks recommended by Joe. Stay warm!

  • architecture,  Documentary/Street,  shadows

    Shadow and lines

    eyes of the heart
    accepting the gift offered
    shadow and lines


    Sunny, windy afternoon walk with my camera in Old Town this past weekend. Not much time on the streets this past year, preferring to spend my time within nature. Shadow and lines was the gift received this day. It is 10 degrees this morning, overcast skies and a snowflake ❄ is seen every once in a while. Stay warm!

  • architecture,  shadows

    Blue Sky

    We got home from Phoenix on Monday evening. I enjoyed my time in Phoenix with family, eating way too much, talked about old memories of our childhood and laughed a lot. Dad may have gotten bored a couple of times but mom sure did enjoy herself. Each morning after dad made breakfast we would go for coffee. This is the adobe wall outside the building and two shadows I found intriguing.

    The cataract surgery went well. Was seeing 20/50 with my right eye 24 hours after surgery. Have an appointment today and see how much it improves. I may not need glasses except to read. That is strange as I’ve had to have corrective lenses since I was around 10 years old. I am scheduled to have the left eye operated on June 4th. As of now, I am quite excited.

    “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things long after you have forgotten everything.”

  • architecture,  Black and White,  shadows,  window

    A Valve Job

    Shadows in Old Town
    Shadows in Old Town

    “There is in all visible things… a hidden wholeness.”

    In 2013 we discovered I have a leaky aortic valve in my heart, known as Aortic Regurgitation. An EKG and treadmill test were done at that time and a status of moderate leakage was the diagnosis. I was told this is not uncommon but we need to watch it closely. This past May during my physical my family physician and I agreed it was time to have a cardiologist run some tests and get their evaluation. After several tests it has been determined the leakage has continued to deteriorate and the left chamber of my heart has begun to enlarge. I now have a better understanding for my lack of energy and motivation over the past 4-5 years. So, the cardiologists, surgeons and my family doctor consider me to be a good candidate for Aortic Valve Replacement surgery.

  • architecture,  Cityscapes/Urban

    Dragons on Campus

    Dragons at the Behavioral Science Building
    Dragons at the Behavioral Science Building

    “Within the stillness of meditation we see the unreality of thought.” Jack Kornfield

    It’s 10 degrees right now with about an inch of powdery snow and more to come. I took this image last week on campus. I’m a supporter of graffiti that can easily be removed. 

  • architecture,  Black and White,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  shadows,  trees

    Wall of Shadows

    Shadows on Campus
    Shadows on Campus

    Colorado has cold and snow but it is also known for it’s sunny days, about 300 days of the year, and a great reason to live here. The past three days have been filled with clear blue skies and plenty of sunshine, along with cold temperatures. Winter is also the time of year for long shadows which allows for images such as this one. It was taken on campus near Morgan Library on Monday.