• clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunsets

    Humanity’s Wholeness

    Humanity’s great wisdom traditions are given not to compete with each other but to complete each other. We need each other as much as the species of the earth need one another to be whole.

    John Philip Newell

    This past Thursday and Friday brought rain showers while in Phoenix. Along with the light rain we were given a couple of beautiful sunsets. This is looking east off the back patio of Marcee and John’s home last Friday evening. Our skies look different this morning in Colorado as we have overcast skies and wind gusting up to 30mph. Leaves tumbled and danced in front of me as I walked to coffee. Made me smile. It looks and feels like late fall. I have an MRI this afternoon at 5:00 pm as they continue testing. I like Newells quote and pray for humanity’s wholeness!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  poetry,  quotes,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Whoever that may be

    In the late summer season of life, I found
    authors, guides, and teachers who have made me
    aware of the gift of my wandering soul and spirit
    within my own inner landscape.

    With no knowledge of an inner landscape
    I went seeking in the enticing outer landscape
    yet this wandering soul and spirit of mine
    was never satisfied, never fulfilled, always lost

    Now in my winter season of life
    my soul and spirit wander my inner landscape
    seeking the Unknowable,
    that source of life,
    Whatever and
    Whoever that may be.


    I’ll end this with a thought from C.G. Jung, suggesting that our wandering has and is the thirst of our being for wholeness, expressed in medieval language: the union with God.

  • coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

    Wounded, Broken and Cracked

    Starting my day with a mocha, journal and fountain pen

    As humans we are wounded, broken and cracked, sometimes deeply. Many of us may not be whole or as perfect as we wished, yet we are whatever wholeness we have at this moment in time. It’s taken time to accept my wounded, broken and cracked life as the gift of wholeness it is rather than wanting to be perfect. I’ve found tools to help work on the broken parts, and asked others for help when it’s needed. For many this is a new way of thinking and seeing ourselves, others and all of creation. I pray that even through the brokenness we can see the wholeness of who we are, our true-self.

  • quotes,  spirituality



    Not sure what this is
    Happy Birthday, Sheree!

    Our very brokenness allows us to become whole. “No one is a whole as he who has a broken heart.” said Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sasov. “Wholeness,” then, does not mean that the heart is not “broken.” that pain does not sear. To experience sadness,despair, tears, and howls of pain demonstrates not some violation or deficit of spirituality but rather the ultimate spirituality of acceptance. from  The Spirituality of Imperfection by Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham

    Today is my sisters birthday, so I want to say “Happy Birthday, Sheree!”