• fall season,  leaves,  quotes

    It is all a miracle!!!

    The wind has blown hard today, gusting up to 30 mph. The blue sky is filled with an infinite number of yellow, gold, brown, red, pink, and multi-speckled leaves. And, all are being invited to dance and sing with the wind. Yet some hold on, not ready to let go, even though it’s an essential part of their journey. I must confess, I do love the music that they make together, this chorus after chorus of rustling leaves and wind. Their music is one of the primary reasons I enjoy this time of the year. This image is taken outside my front door where the wind swirls leaves into a delightful blanket of beauty just for me. It is all a miracle!!!

    A touch of pink

    Somewhere along the way, you realize that no one will teach you how to live your own life — not your parents or your idols, not the philosophers or the poets, not your liberal arts education or your twelve-step program, not church or therapy or Tolstoy. No matter how valuable any of that guidance, how pertinent any of that wisdom, in the end you discover that you make the path of life only by walking it with your own two feet under the overstory of your own consciousness — that singular miracle never repeated in all the history and future of the universe, never fully articulable to another.

    Maria Popova

    This quote by Maria Popova is from a wonderful blog post which you can read here.

  • Avian,  meadowlark,  poems,  poetry,  silence

    After the Last Note

    I leave the chaos to enter the sanctuary of nature,
    aware this spiritual life is about our experiences.

    I listen as the meadowlark sings from their heart,
    the wind carrying their notes to all who will listen.

    I learn, after the last note fades into the past,
    to stay present, just as the meadowlark,
    listening to the gift of silence.


    I saw two extraordinary events yesterday afternoon at Pineridge Natural Area. While scanning the area with my binoculars I watched a large raptor, which I believe was a Golden Eagle, flying straight at me with a prairie dog in their talons. Golden Eagles are common in the area but this was my first sighting of one. Later, while journaling on the bench about the eagle there was an increase of chatter among the magpies just below me. I looked up from writing and see a bobcat. This was the first one I’ve seen in this area even though there are several in the area. I took no photos, just memories that remain in the present! Enjoy your weekend!

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises

    Listen To Their Songs

    The wind was cold at Pineridge Natural Area this morning. It has been blowing 15-25 mph with gusts up to 40mph almost all day. Therefore, it seemed reasonable to remain in my car rather than sitting on the bench. But when this scene began to appear I needed to step into the wind for a few photos. Glad I did. I actually drove up there because I wanted to journal but due to the wind and cold I moved on to the coffee shop. Just as I approached the door of the coffee shop, I had to stop and listen to the songbirds sing their songs of wonder. I realized how much I need those birds in my life and their songs. I also believe they need me to hear their songs. With their songs, my barista Emma’s warm smile, and a mocha, I began to warm up. 

    Sunrise at f22

    The challenge of wonder is to tolerate uncertainty. If you do not relax into uncertainty, wonder may start to seem like insecurity.

    Lorin Roche
  • clouds,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    … and the meadowlarks sang

    Ten times a day something happens to me like this – some strengthening throb of amazement – some good sweet empathic ping and swell. This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.

    Mary Oliver

    The sky looked promising this morning so I grabbed my camera, made a chai and headed out the door. I also knew that we are expecting rain later today and possibly turning to snow after midnight which is an indication of a colorful sunrise. I was not disappointed. The temperature was a wonderful 50 degrees. After taking a few images the wind began to pick up and clouds began moving in. In the distance a woodpecker hammered on a tree. I watched a solo pelican drift across the waters of Dixon Reservoir. And, the meadowlarks sang to me.

    This image of the predawn colors is from the same spot but was taken 8 minutes earlier than the image above. Demonstrates how nature is continuously creating. May you stay attentive and have a blessed day!

  • Annie Dillard,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    Try to be there…

    “The answer must be, I think, that beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them. The least we can do is try to be there.”

    Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

    These are the predawn colors at Pineridge Nature Area this morning. A strong wind was blowing from the north, robins were singing and magpies were squawking. At first one may think the magpies are complaining but I like to believe it’s their way to greet me in the morning. Just maybe they are thanking me for being there. After some journaling at the natural area I made my way for my morning mocha. They also thanked me for being there.

    Back home and clouds now fill the skies. A steady rain is being offered to our parched land and souls. This rain is welcomed, a wonderful sign of spring, so I have a thankful heart. Hope you have a great day and try to be there.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  poetry,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  writing/reading

    the many gifts of nature…

    sitting on a bench at the natural area
    I look out across the open meadow

    a light wind blows from the south
    softly whispering through golden grass

    taking simple breaths I remain present
    far from those places thoughts beckon

    a blue jay chatters from a pine branch
    joined by a chorus of barking prairie dogs

    I’m listening…

    but all goes silent with my unexpected sneeze
    an engulfing quiet settles upon the meadow

    silence is broken with a chickadees two-note song
    inviting the prairie dogs and blue jays back

    a squawking magpie joins in and so the
    concert continues much to my pleasure

    within this simple experience I am
    offered one of the many gifts of nature

    I’m listening…
