• clouds,  landscape,  poems,  quotes,  sunsets,  writing/reading

    Web of Life

    Sunset and windmill at Pawnee Grasslands back in 2011

    “A Mystic sees beyond the illusion of separateness into the Intricate Web of Life in which all things are expressions of a Single Whole. You can call this Web God, the Tao, the Great Spirit, the Infinite Mystery, Mother or Father but it can be known only as Love.” Joan Borysenko

  • Black and White,  clouds,  landscape,  quotes

    Inner Solitude

    At the end of the road

    “Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.” Meister Eckhart

  • clouds,  landscape,  sunsets

    Windmill at Sunset

    Windmill at Sunset on Pawnee National Grasslands
    Windmill at Sunset on Pawnee National Grasslands

    Pawnee National Grassland is located in the South Platte River basin in remote northern and extreme northeastern Weld County and comprises two parcels totaling 193,060 acres. It is part of the short grass prairie. Due to poor soil and the Dust Bowl it has not had much agricultural invasion. It’s about a two hour drive from my house and one reason. You can probably understand why I have mainly sunset images rather than sunrises. 🙂 Hope you have a super week!

  • Fujifilm X-E1



    This was taken on a walk near my hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s sort of a strange perspective as I was trying to crop out a banner tied to the bottom of the windmill and stay out of traffic. I do like the starburst effect the Fujifilm 18-55mm f2.8-4.0 lens. It is a sweet lens for me.