• clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  snow,  sunsets

    Planted in our shoes…

    sunset and the cloud formation from a week ago

    “I dream of a world where the truth is what shapes people’s politics, rather than politics shaping what people think is true…”

    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    It is Wednesday evening. We have had overcast skies throughout the day, metaphor for the feel of our country’s woundedness. The wind has picked up and will blow into Friday with gusts up to 70 mph. Another metaphor for our troubling times. Sometimes we live in our heads more than in the world and therefore what we think we think we know, just ain’t so. Time for all of us to stay planted in our shoes. It’s the only place we can live.

  • landscape,  Plants,  seasons,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    My Sunday Morning

    The storm has passed through and left us with about 2 inches of snow. I felt invited by this grove of trees to stop and take a few images. Love the silence and reverence that envelops our world after a snowfall. Nature covered in a blanket of snow waits for the warmth of the steadfast sun. I watched magpies flit from this tree to that tree. I see cottontail tracks in the fresh snow. I listened to the cold silence. My Sunday morning.

  • Bench,  haiku,  landscape,  Plants,  seasons,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes,  writing/reading

    Because I Am

    Cold shadows in Rolland Moore Park

    snowstorm has passed
    now clear skies and sunshine
    bench in cold shadows


    Slept in late so I got out late. Headed to Rolland Moore Park for a few winter images. I’m always a sucker for solitary benches and found one. Roads are icy this morning. So, I drive according to what I consider safe (slower than others). I am aware I can irritate some drivers who think I drive like an old man. But, that’s okay because I am! 😁

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  seasons,  sunrises,  winter scenes

    Another Sunrise

    What’s broken can be mended.
    What hurts can be healed.
    And no matter how dark it gets,
    The sun is going to rise again.

    Well, back to another sunrise. Took this image yesterday but this one is a bit different. I arrived at predawn when the sky was pink and took a few images of those colors. It was 18 degrees and a slight breeze from the northwest. What is different about this image is the young lady located in the lower left corner of the image. She is sitting on a small bench at the trailhead, wrapped in a blanket and sipping on a thermos of hot coffee or maybe tea. I was there about 45 minutes and she was there when I arrived, sitting on that bench the whole time. We watched this lovely sunrise as well as seeing a couple coyotes walk across the frozen reservoir in search of food. We did not talk. Not sure the reason she needed to be there but for me nature is a place to go when I need to find healing, answers, peace, serenity, silence, a boost, even a good cry and most often the need to slow down the chatter of my thinking. It had warmed up to 19 degrees by the time she left. I departed soon after. We’re expecting light snow today so right now it is overcast and windy. Happy Friday!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  snow,  trees

    Cold Winter Morning

    light dusting of snow
    white blanket on reservoir
    cold winter morning


    A bit warmer this morning at 25 degrees. With two consecutive days below freezing and a dusting of snow overnight Dixon Reservoir is all ice now and blanketed in white. Stands in stark contrast with the barren trees along waters edge. Stay warm.