The job of the peacemaker is to stop war, to purify the world, to get it saved from poverty and riches, to heal the sick, to comfort the sad, to wake up those who have not yet found God, to create joy and beauty wherever you go, to find God in everything and in everyone. Muriel Lester
To those who see with loving eyes, life is beautiful. To those who speak with tender voices, life is peaceful. To those who help with gentle hands, life is full. And to those who care with compassionate hearts, life is good beyond all measure.
Those with a vision of new horizons are never lost. I have found myself wandering aimlessly because I was without a vision. At this stage in my life I’ve come to believe those who have found a spiritual path become the mentors, the spiritual guides of those lost.
There is a joy in this journey of life that comes from encounters with new experiences. These experiences can always broaden our horizons, presenting new visions. For me these inner horizons are a vision of hope and have been part of my journey towards transformation. Each day is an unknown journey and an absolutely free gift. Set no expectations about tomorrow’s journey and do not deprive yourself of these gifts.
“May we each find our vision and pursue it, becoming mentors who will help the lost find their vision.”
I’m impressed…
This time the artist, Nature, used the tools of leaves and freezing rain to create these two images. I’m impressed. I can’t do that! However, I can take a digital copy of it.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Albert Einstein -
A cold November morning
I took this yesterday morning on my way from the bus stop. I decided to take the bus to the coffee shop because I didn’t want to clean the frost off the car or find a parking spot and I need to exercise. On the way home I noticed the tailgaters were getting set up in the parking lot of the stadium for the CSU game this afternoon. Tables were getting setup and they even had some grills set up and smoke billing up. Brats? Not my game plan anymore on a cold November morning. Nope, prefer the warmth of a coffee shop and a mocha.
Just beyond what we vaguely see…
I recently read from a book by Janet Ruffing that said “theology is nothing more than faith seeking understanding.” Much of my life has been spent looking for understanding of something I cannot define or even comprehend. It’s been many years since I prayed to the old man in the sky, a theology of a God defined by others and one I was expected to accept. Yet, that theology had to be discarded and I needed to enter in a journey of seeking a new understanding. For me that is the essence of the spiritual journey: the seeking. Seeking an understanding is like looking into a foggy wintery scene. The visible details are vague, yet there is more just beyond what we vaguely see.
Good morning from Colorado…
Snow began falling during the night and is slightly falling now. It is supposed to stop snowing around 11:00 this morning with sunshine possible later today. It is now 22 degrees. I’ve heard several sirens in the distance as drivers go through their adjust period to the winter conditions. Interesting how my mocha seems to taste better this morning.
Cold, Foggy and Wet
It is a cold, foggy and wet morning. It would be a good morning to sleep in, buried under a mountain of warm covers. It sure does have a different feel than yesterday morning. This is Rowland Moore Park again because it is close to my home, within walking distance.
Now that my cardiac rehab is finished I need to make sure I get in my walking with my own discipline and accountability. Now at the Bean Cycle for my cortado and conversation with the older retired guys.