long brown hair
bright brown eyes
stunning young lady
Window Light
This beautiful young lady was working on her computer in a local coffee shop. I was drawn by her striking features and the wonderful window light on her face. I worked up the courage to ask her if I could shoot a portrait of her as she gazed out the window. Gratefully, she said yes.
Black and Whites
It seems I have been processing more images in black and white. This includes portraits, street and some landscapes. Wonder what that implies?
Reading Her Book I would venture to say many of us could use some improvement on our patience. I think aging has improved my ability to wait patiently more. Life does not need to be rushed as much as I think it used to. I could take a lesson from this woman as she patiently waits and reads. You can also note she came prepared, which helps.
Telling Secrets
One More Portrait
The Beautiful Sheri