• landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  quotes,  silence

    Art of Presence

    Prayer is the art of presence. Where there is no wonder there is little depth of presence.

    John O’Donohue

    I stood in wonder this morning at the scene before me. A silence surrounded me. With almost no wind I became aware of the stillness, the beauty, and the penetrating cold. I felt alive. There was a voice inside reminding me that I was an integral part of this world. And, my presence in this world is to love all of creation, to be anchored in justice and compassion, to accept our interconnectedness with all things, to listen and observe our natural world as a teacher, and that living life, being present with all its ups and downs, is a spiritual experience. So, if prayer is the art of presence, then I wish to practice this art of presence until my heart beats for the final time! I guess you can say even that is a prayer.

    If you enlarge this image of the frigid morning at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area you can faintly see the setting of the waning gibbous moon just to the right of center. Stay warm, be safe and pray.

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes

    Focus On Life

    “… the more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race.”

    Rachel Carson

    This was taken last month at Cobb Lake SWA, another favorite place to just spend time. One reason is the offering of an amazing view of the mountains and our Colorado clouds. I find it a place where my soul can listen to the wonder of nature’s voice. I usually leave here with a clearer focus on life and a better outlook on people. This morning it is cold and the skies are overcast. I’ve already had morning coffee and included a pastry with it. 😍 Will read today, journal, get in a walk and meet friends on a Zoom meeting later. Have a wonderful Monday!

  • Creativity,  quotes,  winter scenes

    Where We Become Who We Are

    Creativity is at bottom the combinatorial work of memory and imagination. All of our impressions, influences, and experiences — every sight we have ever seen, every book read, every landscape walked, every love loved — become seeds for ideas we later combine and recombine, largely unconsciously, into creations we call our own. The most wondrous thing about these seeds is that, when they first fall into the fallow ground of the mind, we have no sense of what they will bloom into years, decades, and selves later, what alchemic cross-pollination will take place between them and other seeds in the dark underground of consciousness where we become who we are.

    Maria Popova
  • quotes,  shadows,  sunsets

    Sacred by Our Participation

    Sunset shadows at Cobb State Wildlife Area a few days ago

    “… we will recover our sense of wonder and our sense of the sacred only if we appreciate the universe beyond ourselves as a revelatory experience of that numinous presence whence all things came into being. Indeed, the universe is the primary sacred reality. We become sacred by our participation in this more sublime dimension of the world about us.”

    Thomas Berry

    I upgraded the fonts plugin so I could change the title font and size. Whadda ya think?

  • insects,  quotes

    The Small Wonders

    “Because I was watching for miracles on an epic scale, I didn’t recognize the small wonders that were occurring every day.”

    Spiritual Awakenings, Journeys of the Spirit

    I began this day watching the sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area, always a good start to any day. I am amazed at this life I am living. It is nothing like I would have imagined. All of life’s experiences have led to this time and place. I am so grateful today! May we all look for each small wonder as a spiritual awakening! 🙏

  • John O'Donohue,  Plants,  quotes

    A Sacred Gift

    May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

    John O’Donohue

    Colorado Climate Center at Colorado State University says we’ve received 4.06 inches of rain in the past 14 days and more rain expected tomorrow. Therefore mushrooms are everywhere. And, here’s my proof.

    We have had a beautiful day with blue skies and sunshine. As I sit on my porch and type this I watch and listen as the wind dance with the trees. Robins, blue jays and goldfinches sing. The fragrance of the locust and linden trees fills the air. I will post this and then drive to Riverbend Ponds for some bird photography or at least a nice walk. Grateful as this day has been a sacred gift.

  • Art,  lifestyles,  quotes,  shadows,  spirituality,  still life

    …everyday life

    In the end, the only thing that will matter will be how well we loved. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is to pay attention to the person we encounter, more so, to be attentive to the ones we love (and often take for granted). To be present in the moment, heart and soul, attentive to the sounds of life in the midst of anxiety, laughter, sorrow, and wonder…. The moral of the story is that grace is everywhere and love abounds, but it must be received and celebrated. This is the sacrament of everyday life.

    Ilia Delio, The Hours of the Universe

    Looks like snow and cold in the upper Great Lakes while rain in the southeast. Clear and sunny here but cold and windy. I do believe in her words that grace is everywhere and love abounds. However, far too many aren’t aware of it or don’t believe in it or don’t live life as if it is. I wonder could it be that each of us must fan that flame to live it. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, enjoying the sacrament of everyday life we each have, no matter the weather!

  • fall season,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons,  Thomas Berry

    Awe and Reverence

    Light, shadows, shapes, patterns, colors of leaves

    There is an awe and reverence due to the stars in the heavens, the sun, and all heavenly bodies; to the seas and the continents; to all living forms of trees and flowers; to the myriad expressions of life in the sea; to the animals of the forests and the birds of the air.

    To wantonly destroy a living species is to silence forever a divine voice. 

    Thomas Berry

    The man made worlds of our homes, work cubicles, television, and phones, cannot fulfill that awe and reverence. Our separation has caused us to see nature apart from us. We no longer hear the divine voice in nature and therefore can and do commit violence against it. All of creation is the divine voice! How many of us stop and just listen to the voice of falling leaves. It was another cold morning in Colorado, 9 degrees at 6:45 am. Sun has set and it will be in the single digits again tonight. Hope you enjoy your day tomorrow!