• natural areas,  quotes,  winter scenes

    Winter Wonderland

    But the silence in the mind
    is when we live best, within
    listening distance of the silence we call God…
    It is a presence, then,
    whose margins are our margins;
    that calls us out over our
    own fathoms.

    R. S. Thomas

    It seems we have had a winter wonderland to enjoy over the past couple of weeks. The gifts shared by this winter’s season has been in abundance. I have thoroughly enjoy the visual beauty, enough to bear the single digit temperatures and venture out with my camera. This morning, we are at -2 degrees and had a dusting of snow during the night. Stay warm!!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Our Love for the World

    “If we can be fearless, and be with our pain, it turns. It doesn’t stay static. It only doesn’t change if we refuse to look at it. When we look at it, when we take it in our hands, when we can just be with it and keep breathing, then it turns. It turns to reveal its other face. And the other face of our pain for the world is our love for the world, our absolutely inseparable connectedness with all life.”

    Joanna Macy

    The morning I took this image the weather app said +19 degrees but my aging body felt like it was more like -19 degrees!! The number is insignificant as it was bitter cold for me on this March morning. The cold is more painful than in years past. However those blue skies, low lying clouds and sunshine called me to be fearless and venture out to Reservoir RIdge Natural Area. The experience was exhilarating both physically and spiritually. Yes, I do have a love for this world! More rain/snow possible in the morning with very high wind gusts of 80 mph. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  • quotes,  trees,  winter scenes

    Winter Wonderland

    You were born to occupy a particular place within the community that ecophilosopher David Abram calls the more-than-human world. You have a unique ecological role, the way you are meant to serve and nurture the web of life, directly or through your role in society. At the level of soul, you have a specific way of belonging to the biosphere, as unique as any maple, moose, or mountain.

    Bill Plotkin

    I awoke to a beautiful winter wonderland this morning. More snow than I expected. I would guess 7-9 inches at my place but I know the mountains and down south received much more. After cleaning the car I headed to a coffee shop for a latte with some journaling time. I took the long way home so I could search out this winter wonderland, finding photo opportunities almost everywhere I turned. I felt that giddy feeling inside my soul! Scenes in nature do that to me. This scene is a row of trees along Overland Trail. I did not see that many tree branches damaged as it is a very wet and heavy snowfall. Weather app says we’ll see sun this afternoon so this will melt quickly and soak into the parched soil. It’s about 10:30 am and I think I have done well occupying my particular places this morning. Enjoy your Friday!!

  • leaves,  love,  poems,  shadows,  snow

    … and never looks away

    A small part of our amazing winter wonderland this morning

    I stand in the midst of creation’s wheel
    And watch in wonder the quiet majesty of its turning.
    We are in the care of a love without limit or definition
    Under the protection of a love that never looks away.

    Steven Charleston

    It is Monday morning and we have fresh snow on the ground, clear blue skies and sunshine. I am grateful to be a witness to this beautiful winter wonderland. Today I am missing my mother who would have been 92 today. I also can say I miss her with a love that is without limits. Not sure I would have said that as a teenager which makes me grateful for my growing maturity. I’m also grateful for the belief that there is a caring love (and I speak of love as an action word, not a noun) that never looks away. I have experienced such love in family, friends and nature. So, I pray today for the gift of sharing with a love I’ve experienced which is without limits and never looks away.