• flowers,  haiku,  Plants,  writing/reading

    Always Remembered

    Xerochrysum bracteatum – Strawflower

    amazing gold and yellow
    their scent brightens the mood
    remembering you


    Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my mother’s death. I found myself spending time in the afternoon at the CSU Trial Gardens which is not the norm for me. I love how we can be lead to do certain things or be in a certain place because of that whisper from deep within. These strawflowers excited me because of their amazingly gold and yellow colors. I know nothing about them so when I returned home I did some research on these lovely flowers. From the Farmers Almanac website I found that strawflowers represent someone or something that is “always remembered.” Maybe those who have died really haven’t left us but are always with us, whispering from deep within us.

  • flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    I Think It’s Beautiful

    Black-eyed Susan, maybe?

    “Join me in the pure atmosphere of gratitude for life.” – Hafiz of Persia

    Not sure what this flower is. It could be a cone flower, a daisy or a black-eyed Susan. Makes no difference to me cuz I think it’s beautiful.

  • flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    Columbines in the Shade

    Yellow Columbine
    Yellow Columbine

    “We can no longer hear the voice of the rivers, the mountains, or the sea. The trees and meadows are no longer intimate modes of spirit presence. The world about us has become an ‘it’ rather than a ‘thou.’” Thomas Berry