coffee shops,  writing/reading

The Moleskin

The Moleskin
The Moleskin

I began journaling about 18 years ago. Not sure how I got started. I was in a confused place in life and maybe thought it would help me through it. I have used it ever since although not on a daily basis. It has become a way for me to reduce the chatter in my head, get a better view of myself and where I’m at. Yesterday was one of those days where I needed to write. Before I knew it I was headed out the door and ended up at a local coffee house. As I walked in the door they served up my usual, a decaffeinated mocha. I found a table on the west side of the patio and sat down. I brought along David DuChemin‘s book, Within the Frame, read from it for awhile. But my primary purpose was to write down my thoughts and feelings in my moleskin. As words found their way onto the pages, confusion and serenity began to settle in. Before I knew it I was enjoying a beautiful sunset and I felt so much better.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    Monte, that is a wonderful shot. It just speaks of early morning solitude, meditation, and time to yourself. Writing, by hand, is certainly a lost art.

    I started a journal some time ago, but got frustrated quickly by my hands not being able to keep up with my thoughts. I switched to a computer journal and really like it. Although I cannot type as fast as I can think, it does seem to be a lot more efficient, though there is nothing quite like taking pen to paper.

    For those who have not started or kept a journal, it is a great way to clear mental clutter and allow settling. Over time, if you go back and read, you’ll discover how much you have changed over time. It’s really amazing.

  • Monte Stevens

    Paul: I like that we all have so different ways of experiencing life. When I tried journaling on the computer, I felt I did not slow down enough. I could sure put out some words and even re-write it. With pen and paper I could sit at a park bench, take a long hike on a mountain trail and just be in nature. There was no need for a desk or a power outlet. It released me from our techno world. I could not edit what I wrote, it was there in black and white. I like how you write and hope you keep it up!

  • QPB

    I really like that shot as well Monte. It does, indeed, invoke a sense of peacefulness. I am a moleskin person myself. I have them in all sizes and various colors. I find I do the most journaling when I am backpacking. The diminished distractions of every day life out in the woods lends itself to journaling for me. My thoughts seem clearest and most honest then. Nice post.