We had snow yesterday and highs only to the mid 20’s and more of the same today. I’m tired of the cold and snow already. I think a walk on the beach is what I need. Yeah! Sand between my toes and in my shorts. Yeah! Maybe Myrtle Beach, like this guy. Yeah! Enjoying uplifting scenery. Yeah!
Monte Stevens
Glad to see you agree.
Tom Dills
It’s been warmer here but very dreary by our usual “blue sky” standards. I’d say that some sun and sand is your answer, Monte.
Tom Dills
Warmer here than there, I should have said. It’s not been warm here by any stretch of the imagination!
Monte Stevens
I’ve watched your temperatures out there and it has been very cold for your parts of the country. We are now at 32 degrees but the sun is shinning and blue skies. Weather like this will bring out shorts and sandals for a few weird people. Makes the heart sing.
Cedric Canard
It was over 105ºF by the pool today, with 90% humidity. I’d happily swap it for a bit of snow right now
Monte Stevens
I would be uncomfortable with those temperaturesame and the humidity. Maybe we could have Scottie from Started beam us back and forth a few times.