We have been blessed with both awesome sunrises and sunsets for over a week now. Morning temperatures were down into the mid-20’s and daytime highs have actually reached 60 degrees. Scattered clouds have been filling our skies which adds to the beauty of these sunrises and sunsets. The above image is from the Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area.
I feel fortunate for the natural areas supported by the city of Fort Collins. The city manages 41 sites and over 36,000 acres locally and regionally. A couple of these nature areas are within walking distance of my condo while the farthest is about 25 miles north of the city. I have not spent much time at this farthest and newest nature area which is called the Soapstone Prairie Natural Area. It is actually shared with the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming. They have just brought bison into the area. Who needs to travel long distances to experience nature?
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ― Albert Einstein
Cedric Canard
Nice photo Monte, nice quote too.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Cedric. You enjoy the beach and enjoy these foothills.
Tom Dills
We’re just now getting into the time of the year when the sun is crossing the horizon just as I’m arriving at work. Nice to not drive to work in the dark (!) but also nice to see some great clouds and color in the mornings. Afternoons have had a lot of color too. Fortunately I’m home by the time the sun goes down so I get to watch it from my house.
There is nature to be found everywhere, and those nature spaces are just the ticket, especially for those who aren’t able – for various reasons – to get to the more “classic” spots. Plus that way people don’t have to deal with gaggles of photographers like you would find in RMNP, only quiet guys like Monte in the city parks!
Getting some shots with those bison would be cool if they would be willing to pose!
Monte Stevens
Yes, I know what you mean. I want to make at drive up there and spend a good day in the Soapstone area to see what is there. It is quite large. Not sure how accessible the bison will be. The only way to know is to venture up there.
We’ve been very fortunate this year with a very light winter season. We didn’t have much of a spring last year so I’m looking forward to it this year. A beautiful image, nicely done.
Monte Stevens
Bring it on, I say! Let’s see some green.
Steve Skinner
Can’t wait for some images with bison grazing in the background.
Monte Stevens
I’m not even sure what part of the natural area they are in. I know that the ones they have in Rocky Mountain Arsenal are in a secluded area not accessible to visitors.