I do not write novels or technical reports. I leave that to those with the passion and talent to do so. My writings/musings are confined to my daily carry journals. Within the pages are a mix of daily events, a few quotes that resonate with me, my thoughts and questions about life and a book I many have read, dreams of what could still be and letters to the Source within me. It is a creative art form.
All my writing is done in cursive. My journal is always with me, allowing me to make entries wherever I am, the coffeehouses, the library, a restaurant, parks, nature areas and more. Because of that people will see me write. When they realize I write in cursive it draws their interest and curiosity. That is primarily because our cursive writing is almost a lost art in our world of emails, text messages and skypeing. Nor, is it a required part of our school curriculum.
And what is cursive? It is any style of penmanship in which the symbols of the language are written in a conjoined and/or flowing manner, generally for the purpose of making writing faster. The origins of the cursive method is associated with practical advantages of writing speed and infrequent pen lifting to accommodate the limitations of the quill. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Tom Dills
I’m guilty of allowing any cursive “skills” I might have had to decay. My cursive got so bad when I tried to write quickly that I started printing. It’s not any faster and is probably slower, but I can read it! I do like the idea of revisiting cursive now as an art form, as a way to slow down. Much the same as we have applied with our cameras, it might allow us to think and to communicate more thoughtfully and deliberately.
This is a beautiful photograph, by the way! I love the starburst and the touch of color on the pen, with the rest of the scene essentially black & white.
Monte Stevens
Thanks for the compliment on the image. I believe we all have the time to practice cursive writing, we just don’t. My writing has caused me to slow down just as photography has helped me slowdown and see more of what’s around me.
Paul Lester
I was surprised to learn, just recently, that schools no longer teach cursive writing. I guess, in reality, there is no need for it any longer … it’s rather archaic, I suppose. I can still do it, but am way out of practice, save for my signature
When done well, it looks quite nice. I’m sure that yours is quite nice, Monte. You practice a lot!
Monte Stevens
That also brings up the fact many are writing in blocked letters and some us beautiful. I have a friend who writes letters to family and friends with broad nibs and has made it an art form.
I keep hearing that also, that many schools are giving it up. In fact, my nephew-in-law asked my wife to “translate” some of her father’s letters because he couldn’t even read cursive writing.
All those years spent in school practicing penmanship, cursive…. in deed perhaps days of the past.
Monte Stevens
Yes, it is no longer on the school curriculum, at least in Colorado. I am the opposite in that I seldom print and find it awkward for me and not very attractive or readable.