Spring like weather is here. But, this is Colorado so snow can still make an appearance. Buds and blossoms are everywhere. Tulips are making their appearance on campus. Robins and chickadees are singing each morning, making the day start off on the right foot. And, at the end of this day will be a sunset, reminding me how good life is. Hope you have a great day!
About time that spring has sprung
Monte Stevens
Glad to see you using that word spring and that you’re sharing this lovely sunset orange. One thing which impressed me out west was how the sky appeared to be larger…love those skies.
Monte Stevens
I’m glad to be able to say it and write it! I agree with the wide open spaces because that was one thing I missed while living in Ohio. Everything east of the Mississippi River is so densely populated with trees and cities the open horizon is seldom seen.