“If you’re not making mistakes, you might as well hang the camera up.” Joe McNally
Probably one the last flowers we will see this year as the weather changes and fall approaches. Mornings are cooler as we had 43 degrees at 6:30 am. The temperature swing can be large this time of the year as we are expecting a high of 83 degrees this afternoon. Jacket in the morning and short sleeves by afternoon. Probably need to make more mistakes.
Tom Dills
Joe is quite the philosopher, and we would do well to take his advice. One of my mistakes is not taking more flower photos. I’m glad you’re making up for me!
Monte Stevens
Yep, Joe’s up there with Socrates, Kant, Plato, Cedric, Descartes, to only name a few.
Cedric Canard
Haha, you are a funny man Monte. I’m guessing you were the in-flight comedian back in your working days
Cedric Canard
If only that was the reason why I hung up my camera
Monte Stevens
I go through seasons in many things in life, picking up and putting things down. So, I think I can relate to how you feel. But, I must say I miss your images and the thoughts you share on you blog.
Cedric Canard
Thanks Monte. There are times when I miss it too but never enough that it makes me want to go shoot. I did finally buy a camera recently, in the hope of forcing something but I can see it either collecting dust or being put to use by my daughter. Probably the latter. I even tried getting back into blogging but I’m pretty sure that well is dry too. Such is life I guess.
Monte Stevens
Totally understand and glad you are partaking in the commenting. We need your wisdom!